
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Lake Zurich Board of Trustees will meet October 16.

Webp meeting41

Village of Lake Zurich Board of Trustees will meet October 16.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call: Mayor Thomas Poynton, Trustee Jim Beaudoin, Trustee Mary Beth Euker, Trustee John Shaw, Trustee Marc Spacone, Trustee Jonathan Sprawka, Trustee Greg Weider.

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Public Comment

(This is an opportunity for residents to comment briefly on matters included on the agenda and otherwise of interest to the Board of Trustees.)

5. President’s Report / Community Update

(This is an opportunity for the Mayor to report on matters of interest to the Village.)

A. Presentation from Junior Miss Lake Zurich and Teen Miss Lake Zurich

B. Proclamation for Red Ribbon Week

C. Proclamation for Community Planning Month

6. Consent Agenda

(These titles will be read by the Village Clerk and approved by a single Roll Call Vote. Any item may be pulled from the Consent Agenda for discussion by any member of the Board).

A. Approval of Minutes of the Village Board Meeting, October 2, 2017

B. Semi-Monthly Warrant Register Dated October 16, 2017 Totaling $956,780.35

C. Ordinance Proposing the Establishment of an Amended Special Service Area Number 13 in the Village of Lake Zurich Coventry Creek Subdivision (Assign Ord. #2017-10-218)

Summary: Residents of the Coventry Creek subdivision have requested the Village amend the existing Special Service Area to eliminate the current 2026 expiration in favor of a perpetual SSA while also reducing the annual SSA revenue from $38,377 to $30,000. The Village currently uses SSA funding to provide maintenance and repair of wetlands, detention facilities and easements within Coventry Creek. The proposed Ordinance is the first step in a process to formally amend the SSA by establishing a public hearing for December 18, 2017.

D. Reduction of Letter of Credit for Screenco, LLC at 585 Capital Drive in the Amount of $31,683.37

Summary: Screenco, LLC has requested a letter of credit reduction for the recent construction at 585 Capital Drive. Staff recommends the letter of credit be reduced from $35,203.74 to a remaining 10% escrow of $3,520.37 as a maintenance guarantee to be held for one year from the date of Village Board approval.

E. Full Release of Letter of Credit for Schneider Graphics at 885 Telser Road in the Amount of $3,237.80

Summary: Schneider Graphics has requested a full release of its letter of credit for the development at 885 Telser Road, which was granted final occupancy in May 2014. Staff has performed a final inspection on the development and found no outstanding issues.

F. Full Release of Letter of Credit for Lake Zurich Lot 1, LLC at 1411 Ensell Road in the Amount of $16,000

Summary: Lake Zurich Lot 1, LLC has requested a full release of its letter of credit for the development at 1411 Ensell Road, which was granted final occupancy on April 18, 2016. Staff has performed a final inspection on the development and found no outstanding issues.

G. Agreement with M.G. Mechanical to Replace Police Department HVAC Unit in the Amount Not-to-Exceed $32,400

Summary: The fiscal year 2017 budget includes $30,000 in the Capital Projects Fund for the replacement of a rooftop units on the Police Department. Five bids were received on September 21, 2017 with the lowest responsible bid received from M.G. Mechanical of Woodstock, IL.

H. Ratification of Agreement with Berger Excavating for Deerpath Road Sewer Repairs in the Amount Not-to-Exceed $612,693.73

Summary: At the July 21, 2017 Village Board meeting, the Board authorized Berger Excavating to proceed with emergency repairs on approximately 570 feet of sanitary sewer pipe under Deerpath Road in the amount not-to-exceed $500,000. After a sinkhole developed outside of the original project scope, an additional 100 feet of pipe needed to be replaced. The Board is requested to formally ratify the final expenditures for this project in the amount not-to-exceed $612,693.73.

I. Agreement for the Regulation of Private Streets and Roads Traffic and Parking between the Village of Lake Zurich and the Meadow Wood of Lake Zurich Homeowners Association

Summary: Residents of Meadow Wood have requested the Village enter into an agreement to have Lake Zurich police officers enforce parking and traffic regulations on private streets open to the public.

Recommended Action: Motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. (Roll Call Vote)

7. Old Business

(This agenda item includes matters for action by the Board of Trustees.)

None at this time.

8. New Business

(This agenda item includes matters coming to the Board of Trustees for discussion and possible action.)

A. Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of $1,104,000 Taxable General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Limited Tax), Series 2018, to Refund Certain Outstanding Obligations of the Village, Pay Related Expenses, Provide for the Levy and Collection of a Tax to Pay the Bonds, and Authorize the Sale of said Bonds to the Purchaser Thereof (Assign Ord. #2017-10-219) (Trustee Beaudoin)

Summary: From 2009 through 2016, the Village issued various General Obligation TIF Bonds, which are part of the Village’s overall debt limit and fall within the Village’s tax cap limit. The proposed Series 2018 bonds will pay interest and principal due during fiscal year 2018, the eight year for this procedure. Staff advises that it is in the best interest of the Village to borrow $1,104,000 for the purpose of paying costs related to TIF bonds refundings.

Recommended Action: A motion to approve Ord. #2017-10-219 Authorizing the Issuance of $1,104,000 Taxable General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Limited Tax), Series 2018, to Refund Certain Outstanding Obligations of the Village, Pay Related Expenses, Provide for the Levy and Collection of a Tax to Pay the Bonds, and Authorize the Sale of said Bonds to the Purchaser Thereof.

B. Presentation and Approval of Special Service Area Budget and Maintenance Plans for Heatherleigh, Willow Ponds, Westberry, Lake Zurich Pines, and Coventry Creek Subdivisions (Trustee Weider)

Summary: The Village collects annual tax revenue for five Special Service Area’s for the purpose of maintaining storm water, right-of-way, and natural areas within five subdivisions. Typical maintenance activities often include herbicide treatments, tree removal, prescribed burns, debris removal, dredging of the basins, streambank restoration and storm structure repairs.

Recommended Action: A motion to approve the Special Service Area Budget and Maintenance Plans for Heatherleigh, Willow Ponds, Westberry, Lake Zurich Pines, and Coventry Creek Subdivisions.

9. Trustee Reports

(This is an opportunity for Trustees to report on matters of interest to the Board of Trustees.)

10. Village Manager’s Report

(This is an opportunity for the Village Manager to report on matters of interest to the Board of Trustees.)

A. Monthly Data Metric Reports

11. Attorney’s Report

(This is an opportunity for the Village Attorney to report on legal matters of interest to the Board of Trustees.)

12. Department Head Reports

(This is an opportunity for department heads to report on matters of interest to the Board of Trustees.)

A. Quentin Road Widening Flyover

13. Adjournment

(Next regularly scheduled Village Board meeting on Monday, November 6, 2017)
