
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, January 26, 2025

City of Highwood Committee of the Whole met June 05.

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City of Highwood Committee of the Whole met June 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Call To Order by Mayor Pecaro at 6:04 p. m.

1. Roll Call

Present: Mayor Pecaro, Aldermen: Falberg, Hospodarsky, Peterson, Alderman Slavin arrived at 6:09 P.M., Alderman Grice arrived at 6:27 p.m.

Absent: Alderman Fiore

Also Present: City Manager Coren, City Attorney Jablecki, City Treasurer Jalonek, Assistant City Manager Martin, Administrative Assistant Litjens, City Clerk Baruffi

2. Public Hearing - None

3. Review of Minutes to be Approved

3.1. City Council: May 15, 2018

3.2. Committee of the Whole: May 15, 2018

Both sets of minutes will be approved at the Regular City Council Meeting.

4. Appointments (Mayor Pecaro)

5. Review of Bill Warrant List

5.1. 06/05/2018 AP Warrant List

Discussion ensued, the warrant list will be approved for payment at the Regular City Council Meeting.

6. Unfinished Business - None

7. New Business

7.1. Consideration of a Resolution Approving Architectural Elevations, Building Materials, Lighting, Site and Landscape Plans and Related Specifications for a 14-Unit Townhome Development to be Known as Webster Place (25 Clay and 20 Webster Avenues.

The PUD was approved 2 weeks ago. This passed ARC unamimously. Bernard Citron clarified they would add additional trees and screening for the driveway. Permeable pavers were also discussed.

The buildings are currently boarded up.

Steve Francis stated the demolition is approved and the 1st phase of plans have been submitted.

7.2. A Discussion on the April 2018 Treasurer’s Report.

Treasurer Jalonek reviewed the treasurer’s report. It was noted that each time a street light is damaged, it is $15,000.00 to replace each one. The Welcome to Highwood signs should be delivered next week.

7.3. Consideration of a Motion Approving the FYE 2019 Budget.

City Manager Coren reviewed the new highlights for the budget include:

• Funds for the reconstruction of Euclid Avenue and Euclid Court

• Adding security cameras to critical places in the community

• Highwood’s allocation to replace the sanitary lift station in Fort Sheridan

• A comprehensive plan to update and improve Everts Park

• Improved infrastructure planning, including a new storm sewer map and Phase 1 engineering for future projects

• Architectural services to plan a potential future municipal complex at the library building

• The funding of a grant program to improve residential properties

The Illinois State budget was discussed as to how it affects our City budget.

A review of the City fees will be discussed at a future meeting. Although there is a strategic planning meeting set for November, it was discussed to possibly have a pre-meeting.

7.4. Consideration of a Motion Authorizing the City Manager to Purchase Garbage Cans with ‘Celebrate Highwood’ Branding in an Amount not to Exceed $9,000.

The branding is full color decal with film protection laminate mounted on.020 aluminum for flexibility.

The Council was in agreement with the purchase of the uniform garbage cans.

7.5. Consideration of an Ordinance Authorizing a First Amendment to the Redevelopment Agreement Between the City of Highwood and Highwood Property Investors, LLC for the Property at 542-546 Green Bay Road, Comprising a Part of the Downtown TIF Redevelopment Project Area of the City of Highwood, Lake County, Illinois.

The Council will approve the 1 year extension requested at the Regular City Council Meeting.

7.6. Consideration of a Motion Waiving Competitive Bidding and Authorizing the City Manager to Accept a Proposal from DeMarr Sealcoating Inc. to Provide Crack Sealing Services on Various Roadways in an Amount not to Exceed $30,000.

The cost is $.75 per lineal foot, which is a good price. This will be approved at the Regular Meeting this evening.

Staff will prioritize Green Bay Road and Sheridan Road, then will complete crack sealing on Prairie Avenue, Highwood Avenue east of the railroad tracks or Washington Avenue depending on available funding.

7.7. Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing Membership in the Lake County Major Crime Task Force. 

The Resolution will be passed at the Regular Council Meeting.

7.8. A Discussion on the Placement of a Bench at the Property on the Corner of Lyster and Ronan.

The Association will cut the grass, and the City is to trim the trees.

7.9. Consideration of Continued Participation in Municipal Electric Aggregation.

Assistant City Manager Martin presented the statistics regarding Municipal electric aggregation.

It is the recommendation of staff to discontinue the electrical aggregation program. As soon as the current program is over those in the program will automatically be billed through Commonwealth Edison. The price gap has diminished considerably over the last 7 years. The current savings is only about $.25 per $50.00 bill. Council was in agreement with staff.

7.10. A Discussion on Temporary Signage and Sandwich Boards.

This is be discussed at a future meeting once the rules and regulations have reviewed.

8. Executive Session (If Necessary)

9. Any Action Necessary Coming Out of Executive Session

10. Adjournment Moved by Alderman Peterson, seconded by Alderman Hospodarsky to adjourn the meeting. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried. The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 7:38 p.m.
