
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Village of Wadsworth Board met June 19.

Webp meeting8213

Village of Wadsworth Board met June 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Call to Order: President Ryback called the meeting of the Village Board of Trustees to order at 6:00 pm.

Pledge of Allegiance: President Ryback led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: In attendance were Village President, Glenn Ryback; Village Trustees Ben Dolan, Geralyn Hansen, Ken Harvey, Robert Hayden, Doug Jacobs and James Zegar, Village Clerk, Evelyn Hoselton; Village Administrator, Moses Amidei and Village Attorney, Adam Simon were also in attendance.

Special Business: Caitlin Burke, with Village Engineer Gewalt Hamilton Incorporated, presented the Village’s Annual Facility Inspection Report for NPDES Permit for Storm Water Discharges from Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4.) She indicated the report was submitted on June 6 and covered the period from March 2017 to March, 2018 for water quality and water outfall reports. They now appear on the IEPA website. A turbidity meter is used to make the measurement and there were no issues on the outfall reports again this year. We have also learned the State of Illinois is suing the Foxcomm development in Racine County, Wisconsin.

Public Comment: There was no Public Comment.

Establish Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Trustee Harvey, seconded by Trustee Zegar, to establish a consent agenda for items B,C,E and F:

 a. Approval of the June 5, 2018 Village Board Meeting Minutes. 

b. Approval of the Treasurer’s Report as of May 31, 2018. 

c. Approval of Checks Issued Between Meetings, May 16, 2018 to June 19, 2018, totaling $159,908.55. 

d. Approval of Bills To Be Paid as of June 19, 2018 in the amount of $31,555.80. 

e. Approval of the issuance of a Special Use Permit liquor license to Route 41 roadhouse regarding the September 29, 2018 annual fall festival at Wadsworth Park. 

f. Adoption of an Ordinance Adopting Prevailing Wage Rates to be paid to Laborers, Mechanics and other workers performing construction of Public Works in the Village of Wadsworth, Lake County, Illinois.

Voice vote: Ayes-all Nays-none. Motion carried. Item F-Ordinance #2018-1040.

Approval of Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Trustee Harvey, seconded by Trustee Hayden to approve the consent agenda as amended without items A and D.

Roll call vote: Ayes-all Nays-none. Motion carried.

Discussion of removed topics: Trustee Dolan suggested the “Old Business” section be diminished to reflect the brief discussion that was held, with no action being taken.

A motion was made by Dolan, seconded by Hayden, to Approve the June 5, 2018 Meeting Minutes as amended.

Roll call vote: Ayes-all Nays-none. Motion carried.

Trustee Harvey inquired as to the $495 cost of mowing grass at an abandoned home and was told the grass was two feet high, requiring multiple passes with mowing equipment. Amidei noted a similar bill will be presented at the next meeting for mowing at another abandoned home on 21st Street and in Wadsworth Trails which are in foreclosure. Trustee Hansen suggested raking up the clippings as part of future mowing efforts.

A motion was made by Dolan, seconded by Jacobs, to approve the Bills to be Paid as of June 19, 2018 in the amount of $31,555.80.

Roll call vote: Ayes-all Nays-none. Motion carried.

Old Business: Continuing discussion was held regarding the Adoption of an Ordinance Approving a License to use certain Dale Avenue right of way for driveway and other purposes for the Paul Najarro property. Mr. Najarro was experiencing traffic leaving the end of Dale Avenue pavement in his front yard, then continuing on the turf past his garage to exit onto Wadsworth Road. The Ordinance will permit Najarro to install a gate at his driveway on Wadsworth Road. The Village will erect small signs at the end of Dale Avenue to alert motorists they cannot proceed beyond the end of pavement.

A motion was made by Dolan, seconded by Jacobs, to Adopt an Ordinance Approving a License regarding Dale Avenue right of way.

Roll call vote: Ayes-all Nays-none. Motion carried. Ordinance #2018-1041.

Amidei referred to a proposed ordinance which would amend the Village Code Regarding Building Permit Fees and Nuisances. It would provide a penalty for wandering or at-large livestock that have escaped the farm upon which they are housed. In a recent incident several bulls were captured by the Sheriff in Beach Park under their local ordinance, but those which escaped beyond Beach Park into Wadsworth were not fined. Discussion followed regarding not only the roaming livestock, but the permit fee to replace a residential driveway. After discussion, the fee to replace an existing driveway will remain at $35, but an expanded driveway will increase to $50 and require a Health Department Permit.

A motion was made by Zegar, seconded by Harvey, to Adopt the Ordinance Regarding Building Permit fees and Nuisances.

Roll Call Vote: Ayes-Dolan, Harvey, Hayden, Zegar. Nays-Hansen, Jacobs. Motion carried. Ordinance #2018-1042.

A letter regarding the Wadsworth Pageant was received by Director Angelique Marie regarding not only the $1,000 scholarship for Miss Wadsworth, but a $300 scholarship for Junior Miss and a $100 scholarship for Little Miss. Trustee Zegar indicated that a $5,000 budget had already been established for the Pageant program and the suggested dollar amounts would merely be a clarification of funds which had been approved at a previous meeting. No further action was needed, though future payments to the Junior Miss and Little Miss are being acknowledged.

New Business: Amidei reminded that registration was now open for the annual Illinois Municipal League Conference in September. It was suggested the same expense policy be followed as in previous years for Board members wishing to attend.

A motion was made by Dolan, seconded by Zegar, Authorizing Expenditures for Village Board members to attend the annual IML Conference in Chicago and for Amidei to attend the International City/County Management Association Conference in Baltimore in September.

Roll Call vote: Ayes-Dolan, Hansen, Harvey, Hayden, Jacobs, Zegar. Nay-none. Motion carried.

Village President’s Report: President Ryback reported on his Lake County Municipal League membership meeting, where Lake County State’s Attorney Michael Nerheim made a lengthy presentation about the opioid drug addiction problem. Several counties have filed lawsuits against the drug manufacturers for producing drugs that are highly addictive. His new program encourages those who are addicted to the drug to seek help at local Police Departments, who will enroll them in a program to end the addiction cycle rather than incarcerating them. Ryback is President of the Municipal League

Village Attorney’s Report: Attorney Simon referred to an informational packet from Ancel Glink regarding the new state statute effective June 1 which permits small wireless antenna installations anywhere in a municipality.

Village Administrator Report: Administrator Amidei reported that Graham Oil Company has applied for a building permit to construct their corporate office within several units of the vacant commercial building they own. He expects to issue the permit this week so Graham can build-out the units for their purposes. After the kitchen and bath company has completed their build- out, only 3 or 4 units will remain available. Trustee Zegar suggested the Mayor and Village Administrator seek out business users in the area who may have need of retail space. All the required submittals for Love’s Truck Center are finally in our possession. A Public Hearing is scheduled for late July to review the preliminary Planned Use Development. The Duck Inn is considering a permanent structure to replace the summertime tent they often pitch in their backyard. Toor’s Truck Center expects their fire pump and motor to arrive later this week. It will be installed and tested shortly thereafter. No action was taken. Amidei noted that salary adjustments for staff that were made at the second meeting in May will be retroactive to May 1.

Committee Reports:

Finance: Trustee Harvey did not provide a Finance Report but requested an update on a tree nursery which is being operated in the Southwest District. A resident had leased additional acreage from his neighbor in the past, upon which he is raising trees. During the past two years, trees were occasionally moved into and out of the nursery. Lately, more trucks are visiting the site which exceed 12,000 lbs. They are delivering off-site waste to the nursery and eleven employee cars arrive there daily. Of additional concern is the filling of a large water tank from the on-site well which may draw down the aquifer for surrounding properties. Harvey also mentioned the poor night time illumination of the American flag near the baseball diamond from the solar lamp. He suggested installing an electrical source in the area now.

Public Service: Trustee Hansen confirmed that the band has been booked for the September 29 Pig Roast in the Park and the same caterer will provide hot food for purchase.

Planning, Zoning and Plats: Trustee Zegar did not provide a Planning, Zoning and Plats Report.

Ordinance Committee: Trustee Hayden did not provide an Ordinance Committee Report.

Parks and Village Hall: Trustee Jacobs provided an overview of operations for the Park Project. Change Order #1 includes locating several domestic water service lines which originate in the adjacent subdivision and capping them to eliminate a long-running subsurface water problem beneath the existing tennis and basketball courts. A new sidewalk to the area will also be placed.

A motion was made by Jacobs, seconded by Dolan, to Approve Change Order #1 to the Copenhaver Construction Parks Improvement Contract in the amount of $16,320.

Roll Call vote: Ayes-Dolan, Hansen, Harvey, Hayden, Jacobs, Zegar. Nay-none. Motion carried.

Jacobs has found a vendor who can provide baggo bags for the baggo game with a Wadsworth logo. He also asked Trustees to consider an Ordinance regulating the keeping of live chickens in residential areas. He noted that Lake County, Beach Park and Gurnee all have such ordinances which permit hens, but not roosters.

Road and Bridge: Trustee Dolan indicated the 2018 Wadsworth Road Program is well underway.

Marabella report: Special consultant Ken Marabella spoke briefly about the questionnaire he provided to everyone, which will help with his evaluation of Village operations. He would like them submitted within the next two weeks.

Adjournment: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:58 PM on a motion by Jacobs, seconded by Harvey.
