
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Charter Township of Garfield Town Board met July 10.

Charter Township of Garfield Town Board met July 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call of Board Members

Present: Denise Schmuckal, Lanie McManus, Jeane Blood Law, Steve Duell, Molly Agostinelli, and Dan Walters

Absent and Excused: Chuck Korn

Staff members Present: Rob Larrea

1. Public Comment (6:01)


2. Review and Approval of the Agenda - Conflict of Interest (6:01)

Duell asked to discuss attorney letters of opinion under Other Business.

Schmuckal moved and Duell seconded to approve the agenda as amended.

Yeas: Schmuckal, Duell, Blood Law, Walters, McManus, Agostinelli Nays: None

3. Consent Calendar (6:02)

a. Minutes

June 26, 2018 Regular Meeting (Recommend Approval)

b. Bills

General Fund

(Recommend Approval)


c. Building Department Permits May 1 through June 30 (Receive and File)

d. Consideration of Amended and Restated Ordinance No. 18 - Introduce and schedule for Public Hearing on July 24, 2018 (Recommend Approval)

Blood Law declared a conflict with the bills but Board members did not see a problem with her voting on the matter.

Walters asked to remove the minutes of June 26, 2018.

Duell moved and Schmuckal seconded to approve the Consent Calendar as amended.

Yeas: Duell, Schmuckal, McManus, Blood Law, Walters, Agostinelli Nays: None

4. Items removed from the Consent Calendar (6:04)

a. Minutes - June 26, 2018

Walters said that the minutes should be corrected to show that the last sentence in item 6.b. should read “Board members discussed that Korn and Walters meet with Northflight once per quarter."

Walters moved and Schmuckal seconded to approve the minutes of June 26, 2018 as amended.

Yeas: Walters, Schmuckal, Duell, Blood Law, McManus, Agostinelli Nays: None

5. Correspondence (6:05)

a. Grand Traverse Conservation District - June Report b. Email from Katie Grzesiak regarding Reunite Families Now

6. Reports

a. Sheriff's Report (6:05)

No report

b. Clerk's Report (6:05)

McManus talked about her new voting machine which counts absentee ballots at the rate of 100 per minute. The Parks Fund is over budget due to some grant funding from last year and budget amendments will be done.

C. County Commissioner's Report (6:08)


7. Unfinished Business

a. Public Hearing PD 2018-67 - Proposed amendment to Sec. 322 - C-P Planned Shopping Center - Consideration of Resolution 2018-19-T, a resolution to amend the Charter Township of Garfield Ordinance No. 68 (Zoning Ordinance) (6:08) Agostinelli opened the Public Hearing at 6:09 p.m.

Ken Patterson, attorney on behalf of Schostak Brothers, spoke regarding the changed retail market. He spoke about the UHaul model and said it is a successful model for revitalizing retail space. He stated that the proposed amendment is inadequate for doing anything to help the C-P districts. He requests that the township take a different approach in the C-P shopping district, especially as it pertains to the Cherryland Center. Larrea said that this amendment is for all properties in the C-P zoning districts. It is not a rezoning but rather is intended to provide flexibility and to encourage infill development. Some uses were added, heights were increased, and setbacks were reduced. Storage is not permitted at the present time in this zoning district.

Agostinelli closed the Public Hearing at 6:24pm.

The Board discussed the proposed Ordinance amendment and the proposed new uses.

Schmuckal moved and Duell seconded THAT Resolution 2018-19-T, to adopt the 13th Amendment to Charter Township of Garfield Ordinance No. 68 (Zoning Ordinance), Be Approved.

Yeas: Schmuckal, Duell, McManus, Walters, Blood Law, Agostinelli Nays: None

b. Public Hearing - Consideration of Resolution 2018-16-T(b) a resolution to create Eaglehurst Drive Special Assessment District and order preparation of Special assessment Roll. (6:39) Agostinelli opened the Public Hearing at 6:40 p.m.

Corey Flasko has purchased a large share of the Eaglehurst development and asks that the board approve the resolution to create an Sad.

Agostinelli closed the Public Hearing at 6:41 p.m.

Assessor Amy DeHaan said that there are three property owners affected by this proposal. A total estimate for the project is $144,349. Garfield would pay 25% of the cost from the Roads Fund.

Schmuckal moved and Walters seconded to adopt Resolution 2018-16-T(b), a resolution to create Eaglehurst Drive Special Assessment District and order preparation of Special Assessment Roll.

Yeas: Schmuckal, Walters, Duell, Blood Law, Mcmanus, Agostinelli Nays: None

8. New Business

a. Consideration of Resolution 2018-20-T, a resolution from Grand Traverse

Brewing for a Manufacturer and Wholesaler License located at 1974 Cass Hartman Court (6:44) Peter Bishop owner of Grand Traverse Brewing said that this will be linked to a production facility that is predominantly a wholesale operation. People will be able to taste and purchase on the premises, but there will be no dining or drinking on site. Larrea said that this use is within the zoning ordinance.

Schmuckal moved and Duell seconded to adopt Resolution 2018-20-T, a resolution from Grand Traverse Brewing for a Manufacturer and Wholesaler License located at 1974 Cass Hartman Court.

Yeas: Schmuckal, Duell, Mcmanus, Walters, Blood Law, Agostinelli Nays: None

9. Public Comment (6:47)

Jim Gromer spoke regarding the Aspen Hills MSHDA project. Revised language in the PILOT ordinance will be presented to the Board on July 24th.

10. Other Business (6:53)

Duell said that he would like the board to have a copy of all attorney opinions for any long term contracts entered into on behalf of the Township. The matter will be placed on the next agenda. Walters mentioned that a Building Committee meeting is needed for a heating/cooling problem and the Sound System/Audio Visual system.

11. Adjournment

Agostinelli moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:02 pm
