
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Village of Wauconda 101 N. Main Street Village Board met July 16.

Village of Wauconda 101 N. Main Street Village Board met July 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Call To Order

Mayor Knight called the Regular Village Board Meeting to order in the Village Hall at 7:01 p.m.

2. Pledge Of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Knight.

3. Roll Call

Upon roll call by Clerk Falk-Novak, the following Trustees were present:

Trustees Starkey, Arnswald, Black, Howe, Schlick, Morino.

Quorum Present

Also present: Kevin Timony (Village Administrator), Brad Fink (Director of Public Works),

Tom Lyons (Finance Director), Police Chief Wermes and Rudy Magna (Village Attorney)

4. Public Comment:

No public comment.

5. Approval Of Agenda

(Last Ordinance No. was 2018-O-17) (Last Resolution No. was 2018-R-09)

Motion to Approve the Agenda made by Trustee Morino, second Trustee Schlick.

Ayes 6 Nays 0

Motion Declared Carried

6. Motion To Approve Consideration Of Consent Agenda By Omnibus


Motion to approve consideration of Consent Agenda by Omnibus Vote made by Trustee Schlick, second Trustee Howe.

Ayes 6 Nays 0

Motion Declared Carried

7. Consent Agenda

A. Approval of the Bills for Payment from June 23, 2018 through July 6, 2018 in the Amount of $662,918.08

B. Minutes of the July 2, 2018 Regular Village Board Meeting

C. Approval of a Special Event Permit Application Submitted by the Make A Wish Foundation Requesting the Closure of the Municipal Parking Lot for the Blues, Brews, and Burgers Event on August 4, 2018 from 12:00 PM to 12:00 a.m.

D. (Action) Consideration for Approval of an Ordinance for the Purchase Agreement with Morbark, LLC for a Morbark Beever M18R Chipper Trailer through the Intergovernmental Agreement with the National Joint Powers Alliance Purchasing Contract #062117-MBI (Ordinance No.2018-O-18)

8. Motion To Approve Items A Through D On The Consent Agenda

Motion to Approve Items A through D on the Consent Agenda made by Trustee Howe, second Trustee Black.

Ayes 6 Nays 0

Motion Declared Carried

9. New Business

A. (Action) Consideration for Approval of the Appropriation Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2018/19 in the Amount of $39,935,200.00 along with the Estimated Revenues as Required by State Statute. (Ordinance No.2018-O-19)

Motion to approve Appropriation Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2018/19 in the Amount of $39,935,200.00 along with the Estimated Revenues as Required by State Statute made by Trustee Black, second Trustee Arnswald.

Ayes 6 Nays 0

Motion Declared Carried

B. (Action) Consideration for Approval of an Ordinance Enacting a Code of Ordinances for the Village of Wauconda (Ordinance No.2018-O-20)

Kevin Timony:

We are currently in the process of transitioning our codifier from American Legal Publishing to MuniCode. MuniCode has published a draft version of our code online and our Village Attorney is recommending this ordinance which would adopt this current version as the Village Code and once this transition is complete and we have a final version, another Ordinance will be drafted for the final version. Village Attorney Magna stated this would allow the Village to enforce what is online. Motion to approve Ordinance Enacting a Code of Ordinances for the Village of Wauconda made by Trustee Arnswald, second Trustee Starkey.

Ayes 6 Nays 0

Motion Declared Carried

C. (Action) Consideration for Approval of an Ordinance Establishing Various Regulations and Permitting of Small Wireless Facilities (Ordinance No.2018-O-21) Brad Fink:

A new law went into effect that was signed on April 12, 2018, that allows public communication hardware to be placed on street lights and street poles within the Village rightof-way. The law does not allow the Village any discretion as to where they chose to place this equipment unless the Village has an Ordinance in place regulating. They have been working with the Village Attorney to draft this ordinance which will allow us the ability to charge permit and application fees along with allowing the Village to have input with regards to where this equipment will be placed. Village Attorney Magna proposed a revision to the Ordinance that would allow the Village to charge $200 per pole per year as a rental fee, which is the maximum permitted. This has been included in the proposed Ordinance. Trustee Morino asked if the $200 per pole was to cover our cost and Village Attorney Magna stated this would be a rental fee. Brad also interjected that the deadline is August 1, 2018 which Rudy confirmed. Trustee Howe added this will impose some standards that would allow for making this hardware blend in as much as possible with existing surroundings. Trustee Starkey asked if other municipalities were adopting a similar ordinance and Rudy responded this template was provided by the Illinois Municipal League. Trustee Arnswald asked about the limit of two devices per pole. Rudy stated this is at the discretion of the Village Administrator who can allow for a second device, however, this could prove to be difficult as they would need to be able to climb the pole to reach each device. Also, if two were placed on a pole, the fee would be $200 for each device. Trustee Black also added that there were weight restrictions as well and devices would have to be properly balanced.

Motion to approve Ordinance Establishing Various Regulations and Permitting of Small wireless Facilities made by Trustee Starkey, second Trustee Morino.

Ayes 6 Nays 0

Motion Declared Carried

10. Mayor’s Report

The Mayor welcomed Michael D’Onfrio who recently started with the Village as interim Community Development Director. He will be in the office Tuesday through Thursday and he asked the board to stop by and introduce themselves. The Mayor also mentioned that he was recently elected to the Board of Directors for the Lake County Municipal League and his first official meeting will take place in August. He looks forward to getting more support for Wauconda. He mentioned that everyone is invited to an open house being presented by the Illinois Tollway. It is regarding the Tri-County Access Project as we are all aware that we experiencing a lot of growth, population and economic development, however, our infrastructure and transportation network is lacking so they are looking for the public’s input. This open house will take place on Wednesday, July 25, 2018 from 4 – 7 PM at Countryside Banquets located at 28874 Route 120, Lakemoor, IL 60041. The Mayor also added that tomorrow night is Cruise Night and he looks forward to seeing everyone out there and it looks like we are going to have good weather. He also mentioned the Wauconda Triathlon takes place this weekend.

11. Committee Reports & Trustee Comments

Trustee Starkey

There is a Plan Commission/ZBA meeting this Wednesday night, July 18, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. The item on the agenda includes a Public Hearing for a proposed Conditional Use Permit for the property at 950 N Rand Road, Unit 212. She also mentioned the upcoming events, Wauconda Cruise Night, Tuesday, July 17th Farmer’s Market, Thursday, July 19th, 4-7 PM (Public Service Appreciation Day for Police, Fire, Public Works Meet & Greet) and the Wauconda Triathlons, July 21st & 22nd. She congratulated Mayor Knight on his recent election to the Lake County Municipal League and stated he will serve the league and Wauconda well.

Trustee Arnswald

There is no committee report. He congratulated the FBLA Members as well as Steve Diol who was recently awarded in recognition of his work with the FBLA. He also extended his congratulations to Mayor Knight on his election to the Lake County Municipal League Board.

Trustee Black

He congratulated Mayor Knight on his election to the Lake County Municipal League Board. He also mentioned that he was super excited for the first Cruise Night of the season. He mentioned that there is going to per perfect weather for this event and he projects 500+ car turn out. He also offered his thank you to all the Cruise Night volunteers.

Trustee Howe

He congratulated Mayor Knight on adding another title as a member of the Board of Directors for the Lake County Municipal League. He mentioned that they held a License and Admin Committee meeting and reviewed the status of the existing Village gaming ordinances and will get this to the board for discussion and a possible vote. They also discussed the initiatives to go to “Tobacco 21” in the Village of Wauconda. They are also beginning to address some of the situations we have with the proliferation of piers and other structures along the lake that may not be quite in compliance with existing code. He is very much looking forward to the first Cruise Night and having a big crowd in Wauconda.

Trustee Schlick

He congratulated Mayor Knight on his recent appointment. He thanked Trustee Howe for facilitating a great License and Admin committee meeting tonight. He also mentioned Wauconda is the place to be in the summer with the Cruise Night, Farmers Market, Triathlon and he looks forward to attending all these events.

Trustee Morino

He congratulated Mayor Knight on his recent appointment as it will be great to have a bigger voice for Wauconda. He is looking forward to this weekend with the Farmers Market, Cruise Night and the Triathlon. He will be volunteering for the Triathlon on Saturday and will be competing on Sunday. He also extended his thanks to Chief Wermes and his staff on the handling of the 4th of July event in Wauconda as all the planning they did paid off and it’s appreciated.

12. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Morino, second Trustee Schlick.
