
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Cary Board of Zoning, Planning and Appeals met April 11

Webp meeting 11

Village of Cary Board of Zoning, Planning and Appeals met April 11.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Pledge of Allegiance

IV. Approval of Minutes 1. 19-ZPA-01-001 / February 14, 2019 / Unified Development Ordinance and Zoning Map

V. Village Case No. 19-ZPA-01-001 (Continued from 2/14/2019) 

Petitioner: Village of Cary 

Request: 1. Text Amendment: New Unified Development Ordinance and

2. Map Amendment: Zoning Map for the Village of Cary

Village Case No. 19-ZPA-01-002 (Continued from 2/14/2019) 

Petitioner: Village of Cary 

Request: 1. Map Amendment Rezoning the Affected Property from the Existing R-2 Single Family Residential District to the R-2A Single-Family Residential District 

Location: Multiple Parcels

VII. Village Case No. 19-ZPA-01-003 (Continued from 2/14/2019) 

Petitioner: Village of Cary 

Request: 1. Map Amendment Rezoning the Property from B-P Business Park District to the R1 Single-Family Residential District 

Location: Parcel# 19-13-302-006

VIII. Village Case No. 19-ZPA-01-004 (Continued from 2/14/2019) 

Petitioner: Village of Cary 

Request: 1. Map Amendment Rezoning the Property from B-P Business Park District and B-4 Neighborhood Convenience Business District to the R-3 Multi-Family Residential District 

Location: Parcel# 19-12-177-009, 19-12-301-047

IX. Village Case No. 19-ZPA-01-005 (Continued from 2/14/2019) 

Petitioner: Village of Cary 

Request: 1. Map Amendment Rezoning the Property from B-P Business Park District, B-3 Fringe Business District, and A-1 Agricultural District to the B-2 Shopping Center Business District 

Location: Multiple Parcels

X. Village Case No. 19-ZPA-01-006 (Continued from 2/14/2019) 

Petitioner: Village of Cary 

Request: 1. Map Amendment Rezoning the Property from B-2 Shopping Center Business District, B-P Business Park District, and the B-4 Neighborhood Convenience Business District to the B-3 Fringe Business District 

Location: Multiple Parcels

XI. Village Case No. 19-ZPA-01-007 (Continued from 2/14/2019) 

Petitioner: Village of Cary 

Request: 1. Map Amendment Rezoning the Property from B-P Business Park District to the M Limited Manufacturing District 

Location: Multiple Parcels

XII. Village Case No. 19-ZPA-01-008 (Continued from 2/14/2019) 

Petitioner: Village of Cary 

Request: 1. Map Amendment Rezoning the Property from the E-1 Single-Family, R-1 Single Family, R-2 Single-Family, R-3 Multi-Family, A-1 Agricultural, B-3 Fringe Business, B-P Business Park, PO-3 Park and Open Space 3, and PO-4 Park and Open Space 4 zoning districts to the PO Park and Open Space District 

Location: Multiple Parcels

XIII. Any and All Other Business

XIV. Adjourn
