
Lake County Gazette

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Vernon President and Board of Trustees met May 21

Webp meeting 07

Village of Vernon President and Board of Trustees met May 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

1. Village Manager Fleischhauer called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m.

II. Roll call indicated the following Board Members were present, Trustees Schultz, Brown, Marquardt, Koch, and Oppenheim. President Byrne and Trustee Takaoka was absent. A quorum was established.

Also present were: Village Manager Fleischhauer, Assistant Village Manager Petrillo, Finance Director Fairbairn, Finance Consultant Nakrin, Ed McKee, Lauterbach & Amen LLP, Chief Kreis, Director of Community Development Atkinson, Attorney Hunt, Brad Farber and Recording Secretary Fischbach,

A motion by Trustee Schultz and seconded by Trustee Brown, Trustee Koch was appointed President Pro Tem. On a voice vote the motion was approved unanimously.

III. The Pledge of Allegiance was given.

IV. Officials Reports

A. Village President

1. Proclamation recognizing Eagle Scouts Matthew Mangoni, Chase Johnson, Robert Black, Andrew Gehrett, Stevan Pastar, John Rallo and Nathan Stuck 

B. Village Manager 

C. Assistant Village Manager 

D. Finance Director/Treasurer

1. Introduction and Presentation of the New Finance and Treasurer's Report 

E. Chief of Police 

F. Public Works Director/Village Engineer 

G. Building Commissioner

V. Citizens Wishing to Address the Board

VI. Omnibus Vote Agenda President Pro Tem Koch called for a motion to approve the Omnibus Vote Agenda Items A-S. Motion by Trustee Schultz, second by Trustee Marquardt, granting approval of the Omnibus

Vote Agenda Items A-S 

Roll call vote; 

AYES: 5 Brown, Schultz, Koch, Oppenheim, Marquardt 

NAYS: 0 -- None

ABSENT AND NOT VOTING: 2-Byrne, Takaoka 

Motion carried

A, Finance & Treasurer's Report - March 2019

B. Approval of voucher list of bills dated May 21, 2019 in the amount of $724,673.89

C. Approval of Village Board Minutes of May 7, 2019

D. Approval and passage of ordinance 2019-80 an ordinance amending ordinance no, 2018 108 originally authorizing a payment to Verizon wireless in an amount not to exceed $32,400 to be increased to not to exceed $33,550

E. Approval and passage of ordinance 2019-081 an ordinance amending ordinance no. 2018-079 originally authorizing approval of expenditures to Kemper Sports Management in an amount not to exceed $236,859 to be increased to not to exceed $242,917

F. Approval and passage of ordinance 2019-082 an ordinance authorizing approval of payment to Advanced Business Networks Inc. For additional information technology support needed due to GIS Coordinators departure for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 in an amount not to exceed $83,200

G. Approval and passage of ordinance 2019-083 an ordinance authorizing approval of payment for GIS services to Will Rockwell for fiscal year 2019-2020 in an amount not to exceed $65,000

H. Approval and passage of ordinance 2019-084 an ordinance authorizing the approval of a second year contract renewal with Patriot Pavement, Inc. For the 2019 crack sealing program in an amount not to exceed $30,000

I. Approval and passage of ordinance 2019-085 an ordinance awarding the 2019 sidewalk rehabilitation program contract to Schroeder & Schroeder Inc. For an amount not to exceed $52,000

J. Approval and passage of ordinance 2019-086 an ordinance awarding the 2019 thermoplastic pavement lane marking contract to Superior Road Striping for an amount not to exceed $50,000

K. Approval and passage of ordinance 2019-087 an ordinance amending ordinance 2018 091 authorizing approval of expenditures over $25,000 to the Illinois Department Of Transportation for traffic signal maintenance within the FY2018-19 budget year not to exceed $52,556,64

L. Approval and passage of ordinance 2019-088 an ordinance authorizing approval for waiving the competitive bid process for brick paver maintenance work and authorizing a contract with TGF Enterprises, Inc. for said work in an amount not to exceed $30,000

M. Approval and passage of ordinance 2019-089 an ordinance amending ordinance 2019. 043 authorizing approval to increase expenditures to Stenstrom Petroleum Services group from $46,685 to $53,550 for repairs to the unleaded fuel pumps

N. Approval and passage of ordinance 2019-090 an ordinance authorizing approval of expenditures to Call One for the purchase of telephone services for fiscal year 2019-2020 in an amount not to exceed $52,940

0. Approval and passage of ordinance 2019-091 an ordinance authorizing approval of expenditures to Advanced Business Group LLC for the purchase of internet access and protection for fiscal year 2019-2020 in an amount not to exceed $36,000

P. Approval and passage of resolution 2019-022 a resolution entering into an agreement with Meirtran, Inc. For the provision of ATMs at summer celebration

Q. Approval and passage of resolution 2019-023 a resolution entering into an agreement with Meirtran, Inc. For the provision of ATM's at the pipe city lacrosse tournament (

R. Approval and passage of resolution 2019-025 a resolution authorizing American Legion Post 1247 to use the Vernon Hills Golf Course Clubhouse, 291 Evergreen Drive to conduct bingo games

S. Approval of maintenance period and reduction of cash bond for Lazy Dog Restaurant Unfinished/Additional Business Cris Manley, General Manager of Advanced Disposal made a presentation with regard to several concerns the Village Board had with regard to truck maintenance, yard waste misses, Baytree billing issues and residents interest in electronics recycling and food composting services. He also updated the Board on the possible acquisition of ADS by Waste Management. New Business/Communications VM Fleischhauer noted that Centennial will be having Town Hall meeting on June 18th. President Byrne and several of the Trustees would like to attend. The Board was polled and it was agreed to move the Village Board form June 18th to June 20". Trustee Marquardt noted that it was Public Works Recognition Week. Trustee Koch noted that the Hawthorn Middle School South girls track team competed at State and placed 7th. Trustee Oppenheim also noted that the VHHS girls varsity soccer team are currently competed in the sectional games in Antioch and wished them well. Recess/Adjournment

Motion by Trustee Schultz, second by Trustee Marquardt, to adjourn the Board Meeting. Roll call vote: AYES: 5 -Brown, Schultz, Koch, Oppenheim, Marquardt NAYS: 0 - None ABSENT AND NOT VOTING: 2- Byrne, Takaoka Motion carried.

IX. The Village Board meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm. Approved this 4th day pf June, 2019
