
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

News from the Veterans Assistance Commission

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Contributed photo | www.lakecountyil.gov

Contributed photo | www.lakecountyil.gov

Veterans Assistance Commission of Lake County issued the following announcement on Nov. 1

United States Marine Corps November 10, 1775

Happy 246th!!!

Veterans Day
November 11, 2021

While some of our Leatherneck friends might be struggling a bit after their birthday celebration last evening, hopefully they are all out and about as we assemble today to say "Thank You" to all the Veterans who have come forward over the years to answer the calls to take care of our great nation.

Remember, this is not a memorial day, it is a recognition day to honor everyone who took time out of their personal lives and committed that time to making sure this country will always be protected.

Happy Thanksgiving!

God willing, we're all back where we're supposed to be to give thanks this year.

For those who made it, let's be sure to be grateful. For those who couldn't make it, lets be sure we tell them how important they are to us.

The VAC Commissioners meetings for rest of 2020 will be held on the following dates (Watch for notices about Covid-19): 

Nov 17, 2021

At the Gurnee American Legion Post (749 Milwaukee Ave).
All meetings begin at 10:30 am.
Visitors are welcome to attend.

Veteran Memorials 
Around Lake County -
Lake Zurich

Thanks to all our 
World War II

The war is over, but there will be lasting effects for many years to come. In Vietnam we dealt with Agent Orange and new veterans are filing claims for compensation every day.

Now, in Southwest Asia, there are not only the burn pits that are known to be a problem, but there are other toxic airborne contaminants that are being identified throughout the entire Southwestern Asia area that will be affecting veterans returning from that theater for the foreseeable future.

The Southwestern Asia region is enormous. Depending on how you define it, it encompasses 19 countries.

Don't forget to say "Thank You" and "Welcome Home" to Our Vets who served there!

As I was reminded recently, this 20-year war is now the only USA conflict where we haven't celebrated the warriors who have given their time, energy and, in many cases, their limbs and mental stability in service to our country.

Registration is now open for the Annual Veterans History Project.

Registered participants will be interviewed by volunteer lawyers regarding their wartime experiences. These oral histories will be recorded and transcribed by court reporters, and then archived in the Library of Congress.
Once archived, these first-hand accounts of American war veterans will be accessible online to serve as both an inspiration for generations to come, and to be available for use by researchers so that Americans can better understand the realities of war.
Civilians who were actively involved in supporting war efforts (war industry workers, such as “Rosie the Riveter,” USO workers, civilian flight instructors and pilots, medical personnel, etc.) are also invited to share their valuable stories. For Vietnam we would love to have a Donut Dollie participate!
Space is limited to 28 veterans. Breakfast and other refreshments will be provided courtesy of volunteer organizations. Registered veterans are welcome to bring family members.
To register for this event, please contact Lorena Hernandez at 847.377.3771 or lhernandez@lakecountyil.gov.

Toys 4 Tots Collection Boxes are beginning to be distributed all around the Northwest Suburbs and all through Lake County. They will be in all sorts of locations including a lot of the Elementary schools and child care facilities and many Walgreens branches, Be sure to include a gift or 2 to make a little girl or boy feel included this year.

Wanted! One Good, Certified Veteran Service Officer.

The VAC is looking to hire an additional Veteran Service Officer to support the VAC work with resolving veterans' claims and other needs. If you are currently certified as a VSO , contact John Murray at the VAC -

The American Legion SEP 16, 2021

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced the expansion of disability benefits available to veterans who served in Southwest Asia. Gulf War and post-9/11 veterans are now able to receive presumption of service connection for conditions related to toxic exposures from their deployments.
Veterans who deployed to the Southwest Asia theater may have been exposed to smoke from burn pits and unpaved roads, industrial air pollution, sand, dust, and exhaust from diesel and other internal combustion engines.

Those who served in the Southwest Asia theater of operations beginning Aug. 2, 1990, to the present; or Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Syria, or Djibouti beginning Sept. 19, 2001, to the present are presumed to have been exposed to particulate matter. (This definition of the area of coverage is subject to change based on the definition of what is considered Southwest Asia - See the above article and map.)

Veterans who believe they may be eligible for presumptive service connection due to asthma, rhinitis, or sinusitis that began within 10 years of their separation from service are encouraged to apply for disability benefits.
For more information on the new presumptive conditions, visit the VA website at Airborne Hazards and Burn Pit Exposures - Public Health (va.gov).

Army Echoes
If you are retired Army and you aren’t already seeing this, the Army Echoes is a monthly? newsletter with lots of details about Retiree benefits and opportunities. 

Army Echoes is the Army's official newsletter for Retired Soldiers and surviving spouses. It updates the retired Army community about changes to laws, policies, programs, and benefits that affect them. All Retired Soldiers and surviving spouses with active myPay accounts now receive Army Echoes electronically at their email address in myPay. Update your email address in myPay by visiting this link.

The new edition of Army Echoes is now available. Download current edition by clicking on the link below or by using your Army Echoes app (iOS and Android) when available:

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid provides information and resources you can offer to someone to provide emotional support and practical help. There are many professionals who can offer help when someone is in crisis or may be experiencing the signs and symptoms of a mental illness or addiction.

Finally this important need is being added to the first-responder tool kit! This can be a first step in addressing veteran and family emotional issues that can otherwise result in much more tragic outcomes.

The Veterans Assistance Commission has two certified training officers to conduct Mental Health First Aid training. If you are part of a program that would like to learn more about Mental Health First Aid, contact the VAC at 847-377-3344.

Illinois House Bill 359
Amends the Department of Veterans' Affairs Act. Requires the Department of Veterans' Affairs to create a Veterans' Accountability Unit (Unit) which shall receive complaints and recommendations from: (i) veterans and other Illinois residents who seek services from the Department; (ii) residents of Veterans' Homes, their families, and visitors; (iii) vendors and contractors of the Department; and (iv) staff of the Department. Requires the Governor to appoint for a 4-year term, with Senate confirmation, the Director of the Unit. 

This bill is still in process. Write your state congressperson to support it.

There are numerous events in the Lake and Northwest Cook County area in recognition of Veterans Day. Here are some of them. It is also likely that your local VFW or American Legion Post will be holding some sort of event also.

This is a big event every year. Join the celebration!

Shenandoah Constantino with the DAR is also hosting a ceremony commemorating the 100 year anniversary of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. 
PS - Vets get their free sandwich! (and their free desert!)

Go to the website to learn about the newly refurbished F111 now on display at Waukegan Airport.

Commemoration event
Thu, November 11, 2021
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CST

Waukegan National Airport
2601 West Plane Rest Drive
Waukegan, IL 60087

The VAC has a new Website!

The Veterans Assistance Commission of Lake County has recently implemented a new, much improved website. The site is easy to navigate and provides information on how we can support you in different types of services. The site also includes all the documents a veteran or family member might need to get the ball rolling to file for any potential deserved benefits. 

Some common examples of compensation claims include, but are not limited to:
  • A Blue Water Navy Veteran who served off the coast of Vietnam and has developed prostate cancer.
  • An OIF Veteran who was injured in an IED while on patrol and now suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and loss of hearing.
  • An OEF Veteran who suffers from bad knees and a bad back from countless foot patrols in the mountains.
  • A peacetime era Veteran who developed Type II Diabetes and carpal tunnel syndrome while in service.

Injuries and illnesses do not have to be combat-related in order to file a compensation claim.

Jesse Brown VA Hospital Wants Volunteers

We received this email from Jesse Brown about a new Covid Vaccine Clinic that is looking for volunteer support.
I am reaching out to you today to let you know that JBVA is looking again to have volunteers help out at the COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic at the main facility.
We are looking to have 4-6 volunteers on duty:
Days: Monday through Friday
Time: 7:30am-4pm
  • Be available for a minimum of one set 3-4 hour tour per week (more if one would like)
  • Bring a copy of your vaccine card on the first day.
  • You will report to the Voluntary Service Office, room 4245, 4th floor Taylor Bldg. each day.
If you meet the requirements and would like to volunteer with us, please reach out to the Voluntary Service Team to let us know which day and time-frame they will be available to help. 

Send an email to: Patrick.gleason@va.gov 
or call 312-569-6334.
Thank you for your time!

Dennise Montoya
Specialist, Center for Development and Civic Engagement (CDCE)
(formerly Voluntary Services)
Jesse Brown VA
820 S. Damen Ave.
Chicago, IL 60612
Phone: 312-569-6340

With the assist of a Lynch Foundation grant, Catholic Charities has provided 8 veterans with new bikes to get to/from work.

With a separate grant, Catholic Charities has provided new and refurbished computers to 6 veterans working their way through job search and further education!

I recently read an article about the 12 million people who left their jobs over the past 3 months. The article was written from the perspective that everyone is looking to change their relationship with work so they’ll feel more fulfilled. The article was written from a broad-based perspective and related the resignations to the need for more labor to get services flowing again.
I have a somewhat different perspective that I’d like to challenge you with. My reaction was at the individual level – the number of people deciding to quit their jobs before finding another one that would be better for them. 

Before you quit, you need to come up with answers to the following questions:
1.    What have you done to improve the skills you offer for your new job? Have you earned any new educational credentials? Have you been trained in something new?
2.    How will your people relationships change with your next job? (If you move from 1 restaurant or retail store to another, they won’t!) What about if you move from Walmart to Target?
3.    How are you going to change your approach to the work itself? Are you preparing to hustle for each work shift, or will you be watching the clock for the next break?
4.    If you are going to get into the “gig” world, have you worked out your personal budget – given a variable income – and how you’ll fill in the times with no business (income)?
The bottom line is that it might not be a question of “feeling more fulfilled”, because every job can be tiring at times and have routine elements. But you still need to earn a living, and therefore you need to provide value to a business organization of some kind. Now that the pandemic subsidies are gone, you will still need to pay rent, put food on the table for your family and make payments on your credit cards.
Don’t quit your old job until you have a new one!

Source - THE WEEK October 29, 2021 - Click to see the entire article

Support Dark Horse Lodge

Darkhorse Lodge will be a retreat for combat veterans of all branches of service to come to relax, fish on Kentucky Lake, enjoy area activities and communicate with others who have walked in their boots. All at no cost to our guests.

Once completed, there will be five, 5 bedroom guest cabins, each room named for one of the 25 men lost from the Marine Corps' 3/5, Darkhorse unit. 

This trek in Byron (See on right) is raising money to help complete the construction. Click to register for the Trek.

Attention Marines!

Darkhorse Lodge has been named in honor of the 25 Marines in 3/5 (3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment) who died at Sangin Afghanistan. Read more on the Darkhorse Lodge website.

Click on the title of the document you'd like to review to see the entire document.

VAC Intake Packet – Provides the check list for completing all the preliminary information needed to begin the benefit claim process with the VAC. Completing this will insure that you have the necessary documents and information, and will facilitate the claim filing process.

FHCC Enrollment Packet – for getting started if you have never been registered at the VA for medical care

Financial Assistance Packet – A comprehensive document requiring complete information related to financial needs. 

Credit Counseling – a brochure from a not-for-profit credit counseling agency.

Packet 3 (Survivors) - Information about the various survivor benefits and to-do check lists for survivors of veterans.

Pension AA packet – This document is the application for Aid and Attendance benefits and describes the minimum qualifications that must be met to be eligible for A & A support.

Marine Corps League Detachment 1395 has a dedicated veteran who is also a computer wiz! He has created a tool that allows any organization that wants a website to build something similar to their detachment website (Tri-county Leathernecks).

"We are veterans on a mission to bring technology to all our patriotic organizations. We want to enable you to use technology to reach your communities and to appeal to the younger generations. We provide you with the tools to help you succeed."
Don't want to spend thousands of dollars? Meet DETACHMENT io, a new service provided by Tri-County Leathernecks available for Marine Corps League, American Legion, VFW and Boy Scouts organizations. DETACHMENT io provides you with a specialized website that enhances your online presence. It allows for people to find you via search engines, send you contact messages, accept donations, and create posts to share with your members and the community. These are just some amongst other very useful features. The best thing about this service is that it is 100% free and consistently adds new features. To learn more and see sample websites visit DETACHMENT io.For further details, you can also send us an email at veterans@lakecountyil.gov with a subject line of "Detachment io".

Don't let the Coroners put COVID-19 on Veterans’ death certificates instead of the underlying issues as the cause of death

If you have a veteran death to deal with, be sure to check to make sure that any service related underlying cause of death is properly documented on the death certificate. If not, and Covid-19 is the immediate cause, a surviving spouse may lose their Dependent Indemnity Compensation if the contributing service connected conditions are not listed on the death certificate. See item 5 in RSO Notes for further details.

Did you know...

The Coast Guard actually had 5 combat victories! Go Coasties!

Still on the fence about the shots? 
Read the latest.

By: Kevin Lilley - MOAA July 15, 2021
 Military health officials are warning beneficiaries of the rise in transmission of the Delta variant of the virus that causes COVID-19, saying the best way to avoid potential threats from the mutation is to join the ranks of the fully vaccinated.
 The variant spreads easier and faster than other strains, according to information provided by both the Defense Health Agency (DHA) and the VA, and results in a higher rate of hospitalizations and deaths. News reports blame the variant for an uptick in cases in some areas, including some states seeing cases double in early July. Increased transmission rates are more prevalent in areas with low vaccine rates.
Read More Bottom Line: Get vaccinated!

In all the situations below, you can always contact the VAC (847-377-3344) directly for further assistance
Midwest Veterans Closet (Fridays 10-12:00 only)
  • Rent or Mortgage payments or Emergency Housing
  • Utility payments
  • Medical Care - Contact VAC when civilian benefits lost - Do not go to VA if not registered with them
Contact the VAC to get you registered.
  • Most VA visits are currently by Video Conference
  • Family problems - Contact 211 for referral to proper resource.

Want to Give a Shout-out to a 
Vet Owned Business?

If you are a veteran and have your own business, or if you know of another vet who you think is doing a good job on their business, we’d like to know about it! The VAC is developing a reference directory in conjunction with Lake County Veterans and Family Services consisting of Veteran Owned businesses that come with good reviews. If you are interested or know someone, contact John Murray at the Veterans Assistance Commission (jmurray@lakecountyil.gov or 847-377-3344). The directory will provide room for a business card, or a business card-sized logo or other high resolution image of your business.

If you need help dealing with the current events about Afghanistan, or any other issue
Call us - the VAC - at 847-477-3344

Call 211 for Social Services 
in Lake County

Anyone in Lake County who needs help finding health and human service support can call 211 and get quickly connected to available resources. Lake County 211, provided by United Way of Lake County, is a free, confidential information and referral helpline that will enable Lake County residents to get the help they need 24 hours a day, regardless of the language they speak or where they live.  

The 211 network also answers dozens of crisis hotlines, including the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. 

Know Someone Who Can Use Our Help? 

  If you have a veteran parent or know someone who might be eligible for some kind of benefits for their service, we encourage you to mention the VAC to them. We can assist with many different issues: 
  • Aid and Attendance Assistance
  • Emergency Financial Assistance
  • Survivor spousal benefits
  • Burial arrangements
  • Upgrading disability status
  • Job skill preparation
  • Referrals for services we cannot support.

If you or another veteran you know needs help, give us a call at 847-377-3344.

If you're wondering what the VAC and other veterans organizations are doing. Be sure to call first since many of these events and activities have been cancelled or deferred during the Covid-19 pandemic:
Midwest Veterans Closet

Mobile Food Pantry and Clothing
Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Food (Grocery Style selection), 
Clothing, Housewares, and 
LOTS of Furniture
2323 Green Bay Road, North Chicago, IL

Mundelein Park District
Healthy Minds Healthy Bodies
1401 N. Midlothian Rd, Mundelein, IL
mundeleinparks.org - 847-566-0650
Lake Zurich American Legion Post
51 Lions Drive
Lake Zurich, IL 60047
 Coffee and Donuts - Every Tuesday, 8:30 - 10:30 AM
Check for open operations since new Covid-19 rules
LCVFSF (Lake County Veterans and Family Services Foundation)
100 S Atkinson Road,
Ste 110
Grayslake Il 60030
Lake County Veterans and Family Services Foundation 
has a lot of things going on, so rather than trying to copy it here, 
we suggest you visit their website to see their calendar of monthly events at LCVFSF .  

Chicagoland North Chapter, Team RWB
Contact David Christensen
Lots of events scattered around Lake County

Lake County Honor Flight Reunions
Meet 4th Saturday each month (Nov and Dec meet 3rd Saturday)
Breakfast Golden Corral, Gurnee - Nov 20, 10:00
Lunch - Mission BBQ, Gurnee - Dec 18, 11:00 

Animal Therapy for Veterans
 Veterans and their families are invited to
 Veterans’ Weekend at the SOUL Harbour Ranch, Barrington, IL
 Last Sunday of each month.
 TIME: 10:30am to Noon
 WHERE: SOUL Harbour Ranch
22093 N. Countryside Lane, Barrington, IL 60010
RSVP: Jodie @ 855-408-SOUL (7685)
QUESTIONS: Contact veteran liaison 
USAF Pilot, Lt. Colonel Gina Stramaglio 316-708-9788

Northern Illinois Food Bank
There are three types of resources within NIFB
Pre-register at the link and order from list of items - limited locations and times
See below for the Lake and McHenry locations and times

As the storm raged, the captain realized his ship was sinking fast. He called out, “Anyone here know how to pray?”
 One man stepped forward. “Aye, Captain, I know how to pray.”
 “Good,” said the captain, “You pray while the rest of us put on our life jackets — we’re one short.”
An airman, soldier, and Marine are sitting around talking about hardships they faced on their last deployment.
 Airman: “The worst was when the air conditioner in our tent broke and it was 110 outside!”
 Soldier: “WTF, you had air conditioners?”
 Marine: “Wait, stop. You had tents?”
An F-16 comes careening down the runway. It’s anything but smooth, fishtailing, and leaving a line of burnt rubber and sparks behind it.
 Tower: “Need any assistance, Airman?”
 Pilot: “I don’t know, we’re not done crashing yet!”

Just for Fun!

Contents From Our Previous Issue

To read the October Newsletter, go to our prior edition.


t Helps to Stay In Touch With the 
James A. Lovell FHCC

To stay in touch with the James A. Lovell FHCC, 
subscribe to the “Launch”, the Lovell Newsletter. 
To get a subscription, – click here

Reminder about C&P Exams
What are C&P Exams? The C&P Exam (short for "Compensation and Pension") is an exam per-formed by a VA salaried or contracted physician to document the current severity of a condition that is being considered for VA Disability or for which you are currently being compensated. These exams are being conducted in person.

Quick Links

I blame my lack of observational skill on my age now, but I just noticed that there are a set of menu tabs on the #VetResources page of the weekly VA News (Vantage Point). These tabs have lots of information and are generally easy to follow.

The Department of Veterans Affairs has extended the presumptive period to Dec. 31, 2026 for qualifying chronic disabilities rated 10% or more resulting from undiagnosed illnesses in Persian Gulf War Veterans to ensure benefits established by Congress are fairly administered.

Latest Update on Team RWB 62-day event!
Team RWB's Old Glory Relay, is an epic 62-day journey running, walking, and hiking the American flag from New York City, NY to Atlanta, GA. Today, the flag is moving through Tennessee, and will complete 1643 total miles moved. It's not too late to join the effort virtually or in person along the route.

Squads work on fire mitigation and fuels reduction projects on public lands, giving back to the surrounding communities. Veterans must be flexible, adaptable and able to work in a fluid, changing work environment.
Listen as Leah Christensen discusses enhancing Caregiver Support Services across VA through education, coaching, support, skills training, outreach and connection to resources.

Dear Veteran,
Starting in October, the Department of Veterans Affairs will hire and train new staff to ensure Veterans’ claims are adjudicated quickly and help reduce an expected increase in the backlog of claims pending more than 125 days. VA is taking the following proactive steps to help in the reduction:
  • Hire and train 2,000 new employees to assist in claims processing.
  • Leverage authority to transfer CARES funding to VBA and utilize the American Rescue Plan to fund overtime to ensure timely claims processing. 
  • Deploy requested Fiscal Year 2022 budget resources to support Agent Orange presumptive processing, as well as for general Compensation and Pension claims processing.

October VA Benefits

  • Get Started with Your VA Benefits
  • Veteran Memorial Benefits
  • Improve Your Finances with VA
  • VA Benefits for PTSD
  • Walk off War with Warrior Expeditions
  • Transition to Civilian Life with TAP Online Courses
  • Advance Your Nursing Career

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

There is far too much in the various issues of Military.Com to write or even extract from them. The trick is to find the pieces that are important to you. Therefore, we have provided a graphic that shows the various dropdown choices. As you will see, there is information on general news – with the choice to see the news for your own branch, service benefits, Job and transition support, military life and family issues. I get several versions, and then I’ll scan for titles that seem to be related to me. For example, I decided to try the the Veteran Jobs tab for Lake County. It provided over 400 postings for Lake County and Northern Cook County. See the dropdowns below. Then you can click on military.com to set up a subscription and select versions that you are interested in.

In addition, there are a wide assortment of resource links (including discounts for vets and families) to find other specific information. You might want to give the magazine a look.

Below are the available hot links to some of the various VA Resources available. The actual hot links can be accessed at the bottom of the welcome kit .

How do you get "Veteran" on your driver's license? 

Effective January 1, 2020, it will be easier to get "VETERAN" recorded on your driver's license. To get the “VETERAN” designation, veterans can bring their DD214 or other acceptable discharge document directly to a Secretary of State Driver Services facility.
If veterans choose to add the designation prior to their renewal date, they may obtain an updated driver’s license for $5 and an updated ID card for $10. Veterans over the age of 65 can obtain an updated state ID card at no cost.
A special note - If you are an older Vet and your DD214 was lost in the St. Louis fire in the early 1970's, you can obtain a "certificate" that replaces the DD214. However, for one vet we know, the DMV didn't accept that certificate. 

If you need a complete set of your military records
If you need a set of your military records for any reason, you can obtain them by faxing or mailing a request to the National Personnel Records Center. While they will accept a letter (if you get all the right information into it) it is best to use the standard form SF-180 to request it. You can download that form at Standard Form 180 
Mail the completed form to:
National Personnel Records Center
1 Archives Drive

Fax the form to 314-801-9195
If you need the records in emergency circumstances, contact our office (847-377-3344) and we can help you expedite the process.

James A. Lovell FHCC. Located in Building 133 
Room 1-D-115-116
Hours:Tuesday and
Thursday 8:00am- 4:00pm
Palatine - located in the Palatine Township offices at: 
721 S. Quentin Rd, Room 102

(847) 485-2772
Hours Monday -Thursday 
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Deerfield (call to confirm this location is still open) - co-located with the Illinois Student Assistance Commission 
Deerfield Facility
1755 Lake Cook Rd, Ste 1409
Deerfield, IL 60015-5209
847-948-6981 and 847-948-6982
Hours Monday - Friday 
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Factual Accuracy and Disclaimer:

Accuracy is important to us. if you believe an error has been made, please email the Lake County Veterans Assistance Commission at veterans@lakecountyil.gov. Use of social media does not imply endorsement on the part of the VAC. Content on these sites is not edited for accuracy and may not necessarily reflect the views of the VAC.

Have a good week,

Veterans Assistance Commission, Lake County

Veterans Assistance Commission | 501 N. Route 21Suite 106Gurnee, IL 60031 Unsubscribe news@lakecountygazette.com Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice Sent by veterans@lakecountyil.gov powered by