
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Lake County Stormwater Management Commission met Dec. 2

Webp meeting 02

Lake County Stormwater Management Commission met Dec. 2.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:


The meeting was called to order by Chairman Schmit at 6:03 p.m. 



The following were in attendance


Present 9 - Member Casbon, Member Frank, Member Hewitt, Member Maine,  Alternate Ryback, Chair Schmit, Alternate Talbett, Alternate Hunter and  Alternate Weidenfeld

Others present: Lisle Stalter, Paula Randall, Amy Wagner, Eric Waggoner, Eric Steffen,  Olivia Qian, John Wasik, Mei Zhu and SMC staff: Kurt Woolford, Dijana Silber, Arnold  Donato, Kelcey Traynoff, Ernesto Huaracha, Mike Prusila, Mia Gerace 



The November 2021 minutes were presented, there were no questions. 

A motion was made by Alternate Ryback, seconded by Alternate Weidenfeld to  approve November 2021 minutes. Motion passed by unanimous roll call vote. 

Aye: 9 - Member Casbon, Member Frank, Member Hewitt, Member Maine,  Alternate Ryback, Chair Schmit, Alternate Talbett, Alternate Hunter and  Alternate Weidenfeld 


6.1 Director's Report 


Kurt Woolford shared and discussed the draft Intergovernmental Agreement template for  DCEO-STOCIP and stated that the agreements will be finalized after DCEO review of  SMC's grant application. Mr. Woolford also introduced Mia Gerace as the new Stormwater  Coordinator. 

6.2 Chairman's Report 

Chairman Schmit briefly discussed the DCEO funding. Chairman Schmit explained that  the goal with the DCEO projects was to try to provide benefit across the County. Chairman  Schmit also mentioned that after the first round of projects are underway, SMC staff will be  seeking and developing additional projects for future funding releases. Chairman Schmit  thanked SMC staff for their work in obtaining the grant funding. 

6.3 Commissioner's Report 


7.1 November Treasurer's Reports 


Arnold Donato presented the November 2021 Treasurer’s Report. 

A motion was made by Member Hewitt, seconded by Member Maine to approve  November 2021 Treasurer's Report. Motion passed by unanimous roll call vote. 

Aye: 9 - Member Casbon, Member Frank, Member Hewitt, Member Maine,  Alternate Ryback, Chair Schmit, Alternate Talbett, Alternate Hunter and  Alternate Weidenfeld 

7.2 SMC Organization Chart 


Chairman Schmit began the discussion on the SMC Organization Chart and stated that  the Engineering Consultants (10) are not SMC employees, but will be temporary  contracted resources to assist with DCEO capital projects over the next five years. Kurt  Woolford followed with the presentation of the Organization Chart and the following  changes: the new Stormwater Coordinator position was placed under the IT/Mapping  functional area; the GIS Specialist/Engineering Tech position job title was changed to GIS  Analyst/Drone Pilot; and a future Maintenance functional area. 

The motion to approve 12/2/21 Organization Chart was made by Member Frank,  seconded by Alternate Ryback. Motion passed by a unanimous roll call vote. 

Aye: 9 -Member Casbon, Member Frank, Member Hewitt, Member Maine,  Alternate Ryback, Chair Schmit, Alternate Talbett, Alternate Hunter and  Alternate Weidenfeld 

7.3 Bleck Engineering Contract Amendment #4 - DCEO Design/Engineering Wildwood Area Stormwater Infrastructure & Park City Storm Sewer Improvements 21-1898 

Kurt Woolford presented contract amendment #4 and requested approval to increase the  not-to-exceed amount in the Agreement to $725,675. 

Agenda items 7.3, 7.4, and 7.5 were voted on as one action item. A motion was  made by Member Frank, seconded by Member Hewitt to approve items 7.3, 7.4 and  7.5. Motion passed by a unanimous roll call vote. 

Aye: 9 -Member Casbon, Member Frank, Member Hewitt, Member Maine,  Alternate Ryback, Chair Schmit, Alternate Talbett, Alternate Hunter and  Alternate Weidenfeld 

7.4 Gewalt Hamilton Contract Amendment #4 - DCEO Design/Engineering 

Knollwood Subdivision Flood Mitigation and Road Improvements 


Kurt Woolford presented contract amendment #4 and requested approval to increase the  not-to-exceed amount in the Agreement to $414,533. 

Agenda items 7.3, 7.4, and 7.5 were voted on as one action item. A motion was  made by Member Frank, seconded by Member Hewitt to approve items 7.3, 7.4 and  7.5. Motion passed by a unanimous roll call vote. 

Aye: 9 -Member Casbon, Member Frank, Member Hewitt, Member Maine,  Alternate Ryback, Chair Schmit, Alternate Talbett, Alternate Hunter and  Alternate Weidenfeld 

7.5 Hey & Associates Contract Amendment #6 - DCEO Design/Engineering Dady Slough Outlet and Infrastructure Improvements 


Kurt Woolford presented contract amendment #6 and requested approval to increase the  not-to-exceed amount in the Agreement to $328,448. 

Agenda items 7.3, 7.4, and 7.5 were voted on as one action item. A motion was  made by Member Frank, seconded by Member Hewitt to approve items 7.3, 7.4 and  7.5. Motion passed by a unanimous roll call vote. 

Aye: 9 -Member Casbon, Member Frank, Member Hewitt, Member Maine,  Alternate Ryback, Chair Schmit, Alternate Talbett, Alternate Hunter and  Alternate Weidenfeld 

7.6 Eligibility Authorization - Skokie River Channel Improvements Phase 2 21-1915 

Kurt Woolford presented and requested approval of the DCEO-STOCIP Eligibility  Authorization for Phase 2 of the Skokie River Channel Improvements. 

Agenda items 7.6,7.7 and 7.8 were voted on as one action item. A motion was made  by Alternate Hunter, seconded by Member Casbon to approve items 7.6,7.7 and 7.8.  Motion passed by a unanimous roll call vote. 

Aye: 9 - Member Casbon, Member Frank, Member Hewitt, Member Maine,  Alternate Ryback, Chair Schmit, Alternate Talbett, Alternate Hunter and  Alternate Weidenfeld 

7.7 Eligibility Authorization - Talbot Avenue Drainage Improvements 


Kurt Woolford presented and requested approval of the DCEO-STOCIP Eligibility  Authorization for the Talbot Avenue Drainage Improvements. 

Agenda items 7.6 and 7.7 were voted on as one action item. A motion was made by  Alternate Hunter, seconded by Member Casbon to approve items 7.6 and 7.7. Motion  passed by a unanimous roll call vote. 

Aye: 9 - Member Casbon, Member Frank, Member Hewitt, Member Maine,  Alternate Ryback, Chair Schmit, Alternate Talbett, Alternate Hunter and  Alternate Weidenfeld 

7.8 Eligibility Authorization - Dady Slough Outlet and Infrastructure Improvements 21-1914 

Kurt Woolford presented and requested approval of the DCEO-STOCIP Eligibility  Authorization for the Dady Slough Outlet and Infrastructure Improvements. Agenda items 7.6,7.7 and 7.8 were voted on as one action item. A motion was made  by Alternate Hunter, seconded by Member Casbon to approve items 7.6,7.7 and 7.8.  Motion passed by a unanimous roll call vote. 

Aye: 9 - Member Casbon, Member Frank, Member Hewitt, Member Maine,  Alternate Ryback, Chair Schmit, Alternate Talbett, Alternate Hunter and  Alternate Weidenfeld 

7.9 Approval of Requested $30M DCEO Budget Expenditures for 14 Regional  Stormwater Management Projects 1.0 


Kurt Woolford requested approval of the $30M DCEO budget expenditures for 14 regional  stormwater management projects in Lake County. 

A motion was made by Member Frank, seconded by Alternate Hunter, that this  commission action item be approved. Motion passed by a unanimous roll call vote. 

Aye: 9 - Member Casbon, Member Frank, Member Hewitt, Member Maine,  Alternate Ryback, Chair Schmit, Alternate Talbett, Alternate Hunter and  Alternate Weidenfeld 


8.1 Regulatory Reports 


Kelcey Traynoff briefly discussed the reports for inspection status and monthly review  times. 

8.2 Correspondence 

8.3 Community Relations/Public Info 

8.3. Planning, Building and Development FIL50 Certification 


Kelcey Traynoff presented PB&D’s FIL50 draft IGA as an informational item only.  The IGA will be brought back to a future meeting for Commission approval. 


Kurt Woolford presented SMC’s 30th Anniversary project map along with two newspaper  articles regarding algae blooms and the Skokie River Floodplain Enhancement project. 21-1889 



Motion to adjourn was made by Member Hunter, seconded by Member Maine.  Motion passed by a unanimous roll call vote. Meeting adjourned at 7:06pm. 

Aye: 9 - Member Casbon, Member Frank, Member Hewitt, Member Maine,  Alternate Ryback, Chair Schmit, Alternate Talbett, Alternate Hunter and  Alternate Weidenfeld 
