
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Antioch Village Board met Jan. 12

Webp meeting909

Village of Antioch Village Board met Jan. 12.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


Mayor Gartner called the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees to order at 8:01 pm at the Antioch Municipal Building located at 874 Main Street, Antioch, IL and via Zoom.


Roll call indicated the following Trustees were present: Pierce, Macek*, Pedersen, Bluthardt*, Burman and Dominiak*. Also present were Mayor Gartner, Attorney Vranjes*, Administrator Keim* and Clerk Romine.

*indicates attendance via Zoom

III. Absent Trustees Wishing to Attend Remotely

No approval is needed for remote participation pursuant to the Governor’s order.

IV. Mayoral Report

1. Appoint Christopher Hartman to the Park Board replacing Bill Rentner and Samantha Misch to the Park Board replacing Jeffrey Rosenthal. - Trustee Burman moved, seconded by Trustee Pedersen, to confirm the appointment of Christopher Hartman and Samantha Misch to the Park Board. Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Macek, Pedersen, Bluthardt, Burman and Dominiak.




Following her appointment, Clerk Romine administered the oath of office to Park Board Member Misch.

Citizens Wishing to Address the Board


V. Consent Agenda

Trustee Pierce moved, seconded by Trustee Bluthardt, to approve the following consent agenda items as presented:

1. Approval of the December 8, 2021 Public Hearing and Regular Meeting Minutes as presented. 2. Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Closure of Route 83 (Main Street) for the Annual Easter Parade on Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 10:30 am - Resolution No. 22-01

Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Macek, Pedersen, Bluthardt, Burman and Dominiak.

NO: 0.



VI. Regular Business

3. Consideration and approval to ratify the December 22, 2021 payment of accounts payable as prepared by staff in the amount of $419,830.05 –

Trustee Pedersen moved, seconded by Trustee Burman, to ratify payment of the December 22, 2021 accounts payable in the amount of $419,830.05.


Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Macek, Pedersen, Bluthardt, Burman and Dominiak.

NO: 0.



4. Consideration and approval of payment of accounts payable as prepared by staff in the amount of $519,329.91 – Trustee Bluthardt moved, seconded by Trustee Pedersen, to approve payment of accounts payable in the amount of $519,329.91. Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Macek, Pedersen, Bluthardt, Burman and Dominiak.

NO: 0.



5. Consideration and approval of a Resolution authorizing the Village Administrator to execute a Professional Service Agreement with HR Green for Grimm Road Utility Extension in the amount of $153,783 – Trustee Macek made a motion to bring this item to the floor seconded by Trustee Pierce.

Mr. Hartnett presented the plan for utilities at the amended Grimm Road, which eliminates 2 lift stations and uses gravity which is always preferred. The lift station will have multiple pumps and be setup for the future. Trustee Macek asked if this will impact any lift stations by Deep Lake Road. Administrator Keim responded that there are private lift stations in that area, and not public infrastructure.

Trustee Pedersen asked about the timeline. Mr. Hartnett hopes the alignments will be done by the end of the summer, and be set to bid in October. It’s possible it will be under construction in 2023 and ready for use by the end of that summer/early fall.

Trustee Dominiak asked that a document be put together with the contract showing the timeline and progress be reported to the Village. Mr. Hartnett said that can be prepared if approved tonight, and will be added into the Grimm Road transportation program. Mayor Gartner agrees and would like to see a term or schedule on these contracts as well.

Trustee Dominiak would like the board to understand all of the big projects coming up and funding for these projects overall; not just this specific project.

Trustee Bluthardt moved, seconded by Trustee Pierce, to approve Resolution No. 22-02 authorizing the Village Administrator to execute a Professional Service Agreement with HR Green for Grimm Road Utility Extension in the amount of $153,783. Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Macek, Pedersen, Bluthardt, Burman and Dominiak.

NO: 0.



6. Consideration and approval of a Resolution authorizing the Village Administrator to execute Professional Services Agreement Addendum No. 1 with HR Green for Grimm Road in the amount of $62,091 - Trustee Pierce moved, seconded by Trustee Dominiak, to approve Resolution No. 22-03 authorizing the Village Administrator to execute Professional Services Agreement Addendum No. 1 with HR Green for Grimm Road in the amount of $62,091.

Administrator Keim stated there are programs available to assist with funding, but doing so would expand the scope of the current project and require an amendment to the contract. Mr. Hartnett reviewed his previous discussion with the board about various grants available for the project, and this amendment allows them to pursue those grants and additional funding. Designating the route as a Federal Aid Urban Route will be the first step in the process in order to submit for funding.


Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Macek, Pedersen, Bluthardt, Burman and Dominiak.

NO: 0.



7. Consideration and approval of a Resolution Requesting the Designation of Grimm Road from Illinois Route 83 to Illinois Route 173 as a Federal Aid Urban Route – Trustee Pedersen moved, seconded by Trustee Pierce, to approve Resolution No. 22-04 Requesting the Designation of Grimm Road from Illinois Route 83 to Illinois Route 173 as a Federal Aid Urban Route. Upon roll call, the vote was: YES: 6: Pierce, Macek, Pedersen, Bluthardt, Burman and Dominiak.

NO: 0.



8. Consideration and approval of a Resolution authorizing the Village Administrator to execute an agreement with the Lakota Group for Professional Design Services in the amount of $298,320 – Trustee Dominiak moved, seconded by Trustee Burman to approve Resolution No. 22-05 authorizing the Village Administrator to execute an agreement with the Lakota Group for Professional Design Services in the amount of $298,320.

Administrator Keim provided an overview of the additional costs associated with the design of the property at the corner of Main and Depot. He said the main designer is the Lakota Group, and there will be other sub-consultants for various aspects at the development. Those sub-contractors will also require village board approval. This design will bring the project to a biddable and construction-able project.

Mr. Kevin Clark of the Lakota Group discussed the design process. The conceptual plan has been completed, and this phase is for the design development and construction documents, which will be prepared to get a project that is detailed and can be put out to bid. They will work hand-in-hand with Strand in order to bring the civil engineering and technical expertise needed to refine and detail out the design.

Trustees requested to see costs and deliverables associated with the project. They asked to see what’s spent, and what’s going to be spent. Administrator Keim said we have been with Lakota for a year, and they were engaged to do a downtown beautification project, which included community outreach and the beautification of downtown overall. This particular piece of land was prioritized, but their scope of work also included other items downtown like parking fields, alleys and streetscapes. That is almost to conclusion. He added that until the design is done, it’s difficult to determine the costs of a project before the engineering is complete and quantities and materials can be specified. Trustees would like to be updated on what’s been spent and an estimate of what is expected to be spent on various elements that may incur costs, as well as a timeline. Trustee Bluthardt agreed, but thinks we are at the stage to take the next step and this is a necessary approval in the process.

Trustee Dominiak would like to see the Capital Improvement Plan before this is approved, as well as estimated costs for certain features and a timeline.

Administrator Keim replied that some of what the board is asking will be derived from these contracts. He commented that the initial $5-7 million number for this project was very preliminary in order to apply for a stormwater management grant. Through the various processes, more definition was achieved on conceptual costs, and that’s how the true project costs are determined. He said we won’t know what the real costs will be until we do this design work. Administrator Keim said he will work hard to make it more comfortable for the board as he gets more solid numbers. He cited some additional funding that may be available through various grants, revenues and bond issues.


Trustee Bluthardt commented that the board has had a rough number presented to them, and are at the stage with the project to take the next step. Once it is designed, the board will have to make difficult decisions on what amenities can be afforded. He said this needs to be done in order to determine costs and apply funding. He is okay delaying a couple of weeks, but doesn’t see a reason for pushing this back further.

A majority of trustees said they want a map with a timeline, estimated costs, and what the money will be spent to feel comfortable with this approval.

Trustee Pierce moved, seconded by Trustee Macek to Table Resolution No. 22-05 authorizing the Village Administrator to execute an agreement with the Lakota Group for Professional Design Services in the amount of $298,320 to the next meeting. Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 5: Pierce, Macek, Pedersen, Burman and Dominiak.

NO: 1: Bluthardt



Administrator Keim said he can provide cost estimates, but cannot certify timelines and costs.

9. Consideration and approval of an Ordinance approving a license agreement for the Village of Antioch, Illinois with the Antioch Lions Club – Trustee Pedersen moved, seconded by Trustee Pierce, to approve Ordinance No. 22-01-01 approving a license agreement for the Village of Antioch, Illinois with the Antioch Lions Club, waiving the second reading. Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 5: Pierce, Pedersen, Bluthardt, Burman and Dominiak.

NO: 0.


RECUSE: 1: Macek.


10. Consideration and approval of an Ordinance approving a purchase and sales agreement for certain real property located at the address commonly known as 935 Skidmore Drive in Antioch, IL in the amount of $1,175,000 - Trustee Dominiak moved, seconded by Trustee Pedersen to approve Ordinance No. 22-01-02 approving a purchase and sales agreement for certain real property located at the address commonly known as 935 Skidmore Drive in Antioch, IL in the amount of $1,175,000, waiving the second reading.

Administrator Keim provided a review of the property purchase previously discussed by the Village Board in closed session.

Trustee Pierce said the Pittman property and Grimm Road are priorities at this time and will be voting no on this item. Trustee Macek thinks this is a much needed purchase and said we have outgrown our building. Trustee Pedersen agrees that the Village needs this building and this would free up the existing village hall for potential sale. Trustee Bluthardt agrees with the benefits of purchasing this property. Trustee Burman expressed concern with the costs associated with renovations and other issues that may arise.

Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 5: Macek, Pedersen, Bluthardt, Burman and Dominiak.

NO: 1: Pierce.



11. Consideration and approval of an Emergency Ordinance ratifying the Mayoral Declaration of Emergency relating to Coronavirus - Trustee Dominiak moved, seconded by Trustee Pierce, to approve Ordinance No. 22-01-03 ratifying the Mayoral Declaration of Emergency relating to Coronavirus, waiving the second reading. Upon roll call, the vote was:


YES: 6: Pierce, Macek, Pedersen, Bluthardt, Burman and Dominiak.

NO: 0.



12. Consideration and approval of a Resolution regarding the release and non-release of certain minutes of Executive Sessions – Trustee Bluthardt moved, seconded by Trustee Burman, to approve Resolution No. 22-06 regarding the release and non-release of certain minutes of executive session. Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Macek, Pedersen, Bluthardt, Burman and Dominiak.

NO: 0.



13. Consideration and approval of a Resolution authorizing the Chief of Police to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Lake County States Attorney Office – Trustee Macek moved, seconded by Trustee Burman to approve Resolution No. 22-07 authorizing the Chief of Police to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Lake County States Attorney Office. Chief Guttschow provided an overview of the contract, stating they have been a member since 2016. Recently there has been an increase in costs in order to keep up with technology and demand.

Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Macek, Pedersen, Bluthardt, Burman and Dominiak.

NO: 0.



14. Consideration of a Business Incentive Grant for Command Service Center located at 315 N. Depot Street – Director Garrigan reviewed the request from Command Service Center for a business incentive grant. He reviewed the criteria and concerns staff has as it relates to the property.

Trustee Pierce asked if this was exterior renovations to which Director Garrigan replied it was. Trustees discussed its visibility, and its proximity to the redevelopment project at the corner of Main and Depot street, and previously rejected grants for a property on Lake Street. Those present agreed they would like to see a rendering of the building and bring the request to a future meeting for discussion.

Trustee Pedersen moved, seconded by Trustee Pierce, to table this item until a rendering is created. Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Pierce, Macek, Pedersen, Bluthardt, Burman and Dominiak.

NO: 0.



Trustee Bluthardt commented that he would have liked to see more in terms of drawings, and the importance of the location in terms of Pittman property.

Trustee Burman expressed concern with the scoring process and would like a better understanding of the scoring in order to make a decision.

Trustee Dominiak said this may open a can of worms for others and is not a highly traveled area. She added that the medical building on Lake Street was provided an opportunity to bring back renderings and didn’t.

VII. Administrator’s Report

No report.


VIII. Village Clerk’s Report

No report.

IX. Trustee Reports

Trustee Pierce mentioned that Deputy Chief Johnson is going to Northwestern school of police staff and command. He commented on the number of issues facing the police department, and officers pulling double shifts and coming in early and staying late.

Trustee Macek commented that public works did a fantastic job snowplowing. He also requested staff look into cameras at Pedersen Park.

X. EXECUTIVE SESSION – Personnel and Pending Litigation, Lease of Village Property, Collective Bargaining – Property Disposition/Acquisition and Personnel and Consultants. - The mayor and board of trustees did not go into executive session.


There being no further discussion, the Village Board of Trustees regular meeting adjourned 9:41 pm.
