
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Highland Park Housing Commission met Sept. 7

City of Highland Park Housing Commission met Sept. 7.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:


At 6:33 p.m., Chairman Berkun called an on-site meeting (and virtually through audioconference or video call via Zoom) of the Highland Park Housing Commission, Peers Housing Association, Ravinia Housing Association, Walnut Housing Association, and the Sunset Woods Association to order. Each of the Commissioners also serves as Directors of each of the Housing Associations. Public comments may be emailed to city@hpil.com or phoned into at 847.432.0867. The City web site is www.cityhpil.com. Staff was asked to call the roll.


Commissioners Present: Chairman Berkun; Commissioners Bernstein, Dennison, Fernandez Sykes, Gonzalez, Paushter, & Valbrun

Councilmember Present: Blumberg

Student Council Absent: Chase

Staff declared that a quorum was present.

Staff Present: Later, Akash, & Coleman

Guests Present: Irina Leykin/ERES

Terry Smores/CPAH

Richard Koenig/HODC

Also Present: Cerabona


There was no Business from the Public.


Regular Meeting of the Housing Commission – June 1, 2022

Commissioner Bernstein moved to approve the June 1, 2022, regular meeting minutes as presented. Commissioner Dennison seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote:

Voting Yea: Chairman Berkun; Commissioners Bernstein, Dennison, Fernandez Sykes, Gonzalez, Paushter, & Valbrun

Voting Nay: None

Chairman Berkun declared that the motion passed unanimously.

Special Meeting of the Housing Commission – July 20, 2022

Commissioner Dennison moved to approve the July 20, 2022, special meeting minutes as presented. Commissioner Gonzalez seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote:

Voting Yea: Chairman Berkun; Commissioners Bernstein, Dennison, Fernandez Sykes, Gonzalez, Paushter, & Valbrun

Voting Nay: None

Chairman Berkun declared that the motion passed unanimously.

Emergency Meeting of the Housing Commission – August 5, 2022

Commissioner Paushter moved to approve the August 5, 2022, emergency meeting minutes as presented. Commissioner Dennison seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote:

Voting Yea: Chairman Berkun; Commissioners Bernstein, Dennison, Fernandez Sykes, Gonzalez, Paushter, & Valbrun

Voting Nay: None

Chairman Berkun declared that the motion passed unanimously.


1. Items for Omnibus Vote Consideration

• Payment of Invoices

• Ratification of Payments

Senior Planner Akash advised there is nothing outstanding.

2. Peers, Ravinia, Walnut, Sunset Woods Associations, & Housing Trust Fund

• Consideration of ERES Management Report and Financials


Commissioner Dennison asked about capital expenditures (referring to the last memo on pages 70-71 of the packet), Room 108, and the bathroom. Ms. Leykin noted water heaters were replaced along with restoration services and flooring. There were also electric-wiring issues. Reimbursement will be sought. In Room 108, there was a flood issue due to a pipe bursting. There was reasonable accommodation for replacement of carpet ($5,000). This was approved. The shower will also be ADA accessible.

Commissioner Bernstein inquired about the new manager. Ms. Leykin advised the new manager at Peers started on August 1, 2022, and has gone through training. A new administrative assistant begins on September 12, 2022.

• Sunset Woods Financials

Senior Planner Akash advised there is nothing outstanding.

∙ Housing Trust Fund (HTF) Financials

Senior Planner Akash advised there is nothing outstanding.

Commissioner Bernstein asked about the cash fund balance (from Walnut Association to Sunset Woods). Senior Planner Akash shared that Staff is working with Corporation Counsel. It will be a two-step process.

Commissioner Gonzalez asked if everything is working well. Senior Planner Akash said there are no issues. There will be two resolutions presented next month.

• Other Association Business

Senior Planner Akash advised there is nothing outstanding.


1. Approval of CPAH 2022 Scattered Site Grant Agreement – Resolution 05-2022 Commissioner Dennison recused himself at 6:46 p.m. as he has pending business with CPAH.

Senior Planner Akash advised a motion needs to be made and approved.

Commissioner Fernandez Sykes moved to approve CPAH’s 2022 Scattered Site Grant Agreement – Resolution 05-2022. Commissioner Valbrun seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote:

Voting Yea: Chairman Berkun; Commissioners Bernstein, Fernandez Sykes, Gonzalez, Paushter, & Valbrun

Voting Nay: None

Chairman Berkun declared that the motion passed unanimously.

2. Consideration and Approval of 925-937 Deerfield Inclusionary Housing Plan – CPAH Commissioner Dennison returned to the meeting at 6:48 p.m. Councilman Blumberg suggested Commissioner Dennison recuse himself as this item regarding CPAH is also being approved. Commissioner Dennison recused himself at 6:49 p.m.

Senior Planner Akash offered a presentation of the Final Plan Review & Approval 925, 929, & 937 Deerfield Road:

∙ These parcels are being combined into one:

o 8 attached townhomes

o CPAH is managing

o Plan Commission and City Council will also approve

∙ Site Plan

∙ Floor Plans

∙ AMI Affordability of Units & Rents

∙ Summary of Final IH Plan

∙ HC Action Requested (to City Council)

Commissioner Paushter said it is refreshing to see units of this size be affordable.

Mr. Smores, Vice President with CPAH, introduced himself and noted each townhome will have a two-car garage.

Commissioner Gonzalez asked about HOA fees. Mr. Smores said there will be an association to which owners will pay. Two units will be retained as rentals. All units will be monitored by CPAH.

Chairman Berkun asked and Mr. Smores responded CPAH will be the manager for the association.

Commissioner Gonzalez asked how many requests there are in Highland Park at present and in the future. Senior Planner Akash said it depends on the residential units. There are a lot in the pipeline.

Chairman Berkun asked how many are on the waitlist. Senior Planner Akash reminded CPAH is fielding questions and screening potential residents. Planner Coleman will obtain this number and share with the HC. He expressed Highland Park always needs more affordable units.

Deputy Director Later explained the process of those on the waitlist and those who are qualified.

Commissioner Fernandez moved to approve the Preliminary & Final Plan for 925, 929, and 937 Deerfield Road. Commissioner Gonzalez seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote:

Voting Yea: Chairman Berkun; Commissioners Bernstein, Fernandez Sykes, Gonzalez, Paushter, & Valbrun

Voting Nay: None

Chairman Berkun declared that the motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Dennison returned to the meeting at 7:03 p.m.


1. Consideration and Approval of Proposed 2023 Budgets for Peers, Ravinia, and Sunset Woods Ms. Leykin offered a presentation on the Frank B. Peers & Ravinia Budget:

∙ Revenue

∙ Expenditures

o Peers’ Expenditures

Chairman Berkun asked:

∙ about snow removal and if there is a contract. Ms. Leykin advised the vendor is charging per trip. An on-site team will manage walkways.

Commissioner Paushter reminded vendors were changed. Ms. Leykin said there wasn’t a change, but it could be reviewed. She noted weather temperatures will be monitored. There are four payments including services. Everything else is extra.

∙ if there’s been a year where there were no electrical expenses. Ms. Leykin advised none are anticipated. He asked if before 2021, there were ever zero expenses as he doesn’t feel comfortable with not having a budget in this line item. Ms. Leykin expressed an amount could be added for an emergency. Chairman Berkun shared he would be more comfortable with that – perhaps $1,000. Ms. Leykin will add that amount in the budget.

Commissioner Gonzalez stated, on Page 142, regarding the budget for property insurance, in 2022, it was $39,000 and for 2023, it’s $70,000. He asked if that’s correct. Deputy Director Later said there was a significant increase.

Commissioner Dennison thanked CPAH staff for reducing telephone costs. o Ravinia Expenditures

Chairman Berkun asked if there is any maintenance for security cameras. Ms. Leykin said there are none except internet costs. Deputy Director Later advised the cameras are not monitored, but the video is available if needed.

Commissioner Dennison stated/asked:

∙ regarding snow removal, the contract indicates $12,575. Ms. Leykin said this was based on actual expenses. He asked if the agreement for $12,575 could be signed. Ms. Leykin will contact the vendor and request a fixed price.

∙ regarding payroll, if the building staff reduction is being considered Ms. Leykin said 2023 is based on an additional two positions. She explained same.

∙ regarding revenue of a 1% increase, are we asking for a higher percentage? Ms. Leykin will review same. Deputy Director Later said a rent-study program needs to be conducted for Ravinia. Ms. Leykin will obtain further information.

∙ regarding utilities, the increase is significant for water. Ms. Leykin replied that sewage and water are different. Past invoices are being reviewed. Water did not change significantly; however, sewage did.

∙ that water be monitored per apartment. Ms. Leykin said water consumption is being worked on.

∙ regarding the boiler, should it be replaced? Ms. Leykin said the cost was for water heaters. She can ask the Facilities’ Staff when the boiler should be replaced.

o Sunset Woods’ Expenditures

Mr. Koenig shared he is with HODC, the property management company for Sunset Woods’ Association. He offered background on this original 60-unit condo project and reviewed the Sunset Woods’ budget. The budget is for 12 units and 2 units. Income is $140,000. Association budget/fee is indicated under the utilities’ line item.

Commissioner Dennison asked about rent increases. Mr. Koenig noted 9 of the 12 units are project-based rental assistance.

Commissioner Valbrun moved to approve the Proposed 2023 Budgets for Peers, Ravinia, and Sunset Woods. Commissioner Fernandez Sykes seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote:

Voting Yea: Chairman Berkun; Commissioners Bernstein, Dennison, Fernandez Sykes, Gonzalez, Paushter, & Valbrun

Voting Nay: None

Chairman Berkun declared that the motion passed unanimously.

2. Approval of 2023 Meeting Resolution

Senior Planner Akash noted the April meeting has been moved to the second week due to Passover.

Commissioner Dennison moved to approve the 2023 Meeting Resolution. Commissioner Fernandez Sykes seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote:

Voting Yea: Chairman Berkun; Commissioners Bernstein, Dennison, Fernandez Sykes, Gonzalez, Paushter, & Valbrun

Voting Nay: None

Chairman Berkun declared that the motion passed unanimously.


1. October HC Meeting Date Change

Senior Planner Akash shared there is a conflict with the October 12, 2022, meeting date. She asked if Wednesday, October 19, 2022 is okay with everyone. All HC members stated they are available. Senior Planner Akash said the October meeting will need two motions for the dissolution of Walnut Place and a resolution of funds.

Senior Planner Akash discussed insurance coverage for Peers and Ravinia. A company was selected.

Commissioner Bernstein asked if City Council reviewed the fee-in-lieu schedule. Senior Planner Akash said that topic is slated for the October 12, 2022, City Council meeting.

2. Agenda Items

Chairman Berkun asked that subjects that need to be addressed be indicated under Old Business. He referenced a past topic of pull cords which wasn’t fully addressed due to this not being on the agenda. Senior Planner Akash said they are speaking to Evergreen staff and the insurance company regarding this. An update will be provided next month.

Chairman Berkun asked that Staff decide how to aid the City’s Sustainability Plan.

Commissioner Paushter asked if presentations could be provided to HC members as they are difficult to read. Senior Planner Akash is concerned about static, but noted it could be tested next week. Councilman Blumberg stated PowerPoint presentations could be sent to the HC in advance. Senior Planner Akash and Planner Coleman will provide same. Chairman Berkun asked that Staff find the best way to decide this.


Commissioner Dennison moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:53 p.m. Commissioner Fernadez Sykes seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote

Voting Yea: Chairman Berkun; Commissioners Bernstein, Dennison, Fernandez Sykes, Gonzalez, Paushter, & Valbrun

Voting Nay: None

Chairman Berkun declared that the motion passed unanimously.
