
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Waukegan City Council met Nov. 21

City of Waukegan City Council met Nov. 21.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

1. Opening Items

A. Roll Call

B. Invocation by Pastor Percy L. Johnson (New Hope Missionary Baptist Church)/ Pledge of Allegiance

C. Mayor's Comments

2. Resolutions/Proclamations/Presentations/Appointments

A. Extra Mile Award - Josephine Blanks

B. Proclamation - November is National Diabetes Awareness Month

C. Proclamation - November is Native American Heritage Month

D. College of Lake County Lakeshore Student Services Center Invitation

3. Audience Time

A. Audience Time

4. Consent Agenda (Items under the Consent Agenda are considered routine and/or non-controversial and will be approved by one motion. If any one board member wishes to have a separate vote on any item, it will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and voted on separately)

A. Motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes from Monday, November 07, 2022

B. Motion to approve vendor payments dated November 21, 2022 in the amount of $2,080,716.61.

C. Motion to approve the 2023 City Council Meeting Schedule

D. An Ordinance to approve Zoning Calendar #2675, a Conditional Use Permit for a Private School at 1300 W. 10th Street. This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee on November 7, 2022.

E. An Ordinance to approve Zoning Calendar #2679, a Text Amendment to the Waukegan Zoning Ordinance regarding the definition of Contractor’s Yard in Section 13.2. This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee on November 7, 2022.

F. An Ordinance to approve Zoning Calendar #2681, a Text Amendment to Section 3.4 (Development Review Board), 8.4 (B3- General Commercial District) and Article 13 (Rules and Definitions): (1) to allow (i) Automobile Accessory Stores (ii) Garages for storage, repair, and servicing of motor vehicles, and (iii) Garages, including motor vehicle body repair, painting and engine rebuilding, as Permitted Uses in the B3 General Commercial District subject to review and conditions set by the Development Review Board; and (2) to allow (i) Garages for storage, repair, and servicing of motor vehicles under 7,500 square feet and (ii) Garages, including motor vehicle body repair, painting and engine rebuilding under 7,500 square feet as Conditional Uses in the B3 General Commercial District. This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee on November 7, 2022.

G. Motion to approve Regular Payroll dated November 18, 2022 in the total amount of $1,660,297.55.

H. Motion to approve Miscellaneous Payroll (PBLC Holiday Buyback, Comp Time Cash Out, Elected Officials & Civil Service Stipend, Manual Check, Final Payout) dated November 18, 2022 in the total amount of $38,240.58.

5. Reports and Communication

6. Old Business

7. New Business

A. An Ordinance creating a Class C Retail Package Sales Liquor license for Devine Liquor located at 1550 Glen Rock Ave. This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee on November 7, 2022.

B. An Ordinance to approve Zoning Calendar #2680, a Text amendment to Section 8.4-4 of the Waukegan Zoning Ordinance to allow Multi-Purpose Entertainment Establishment as a Conditional Use in the B3 General Commercial District. This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee on November 7, 2022.

C. An Ordinance to approve Zoning Calendar #2677, a Conditional Use Permit for a Multi-Purpose Entertainment Establishment at 4555 W. Yorkhouse Road. This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee on November 7, 2022.

D. Determination of Proposed Aggregate Tax Levy for Tax Year 2022 in the amount of $33,288,799.00. This matter was presented to the Finance and Purchasing Committee on November 21, 2022.

E. A Resolution authorizing the proper City Officials to submit an application to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) for the Lead Service Line Inventory Grant Program for the maximum amount of $50,000. This matter was presented to the Finance and Purchasing Committee on November 21, 2022.

F. A Resolution authorizing the Proper City Officials to submit an application to Lake County FY23 Watershed Management Board (WMB) and Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO-STOCIP) Round 3 for the Montesano Avenue flooding mitigation project in the 7th Ward. This matter was presented to the Finance and Purchasing Committee on November 21, 2022.

G. A Resolution authorizing the proper City Officials to submit an application to Lake County FY23 Watershed Management Board (WMB) and Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO-STOCIP) Round 3 for the Yeoman Creek flooding mitigation project near Sunset Avenue and Lewis Avenue. This matter was presented to the Finance and Purchasing Committee on November 21, 2022.

H. A Resolution authorizing the Proper City Officials to waive the competitive bidding process authorizing the purchase of firefighter turnout gear from Dinges fire company. This matter was presented to the Finance and Purchasing Committee on November 21, 2022.

I. A Resolution authorizing the IT Department to purchase ArcGIS Enterprise Geospatial Platform from Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI) in a not- to-exceed amount of $50,456.00 as outlined in the City of Waukegan Municode Sec. 2-454. This matter was presented to the Finance and Purchasing Committee on November 21, 2022.

J. A Resolution authorizing the proper City Officials to approve a 60-month fiber optic service contract with Comcast Business Computer in a not- to-exceed amount of $760,000.00. This matter was presented to the Finance and Purchasing Committee on November 21, 2022.

K. A Resolution authorizing the proper City Officials to extend purchasing authorization for computers, maintenance, and professional services from Cybernetics for a not to exceed amount of $370,000.00. This matter was presented to the Finance and Purchasing Committee on November 21, 2022.

L. A Resolution authorizing the proper City Officials to approve the purchases by the City for additional Equipment and Services from Pentegra Systems LLC on an as-needed basis, up to a total amount of $220,000 during the 2022-2023 fiscal year. This matter was presented to the Finance and Purchasing Committee on November 21, 2022.

M. A Resolution authorizing the Proper City Officials to approve the land lease with Commonwealth Edison Company (COMED). This matter was presented to the Finance and Purchasing Committee on November 21, 2022.

N. An Ordinance Amending Provisions of the Waukegan Code of Ordinances Regarding Casino Facilities and Casino Gambling. This matter was presented to the Code Revisions, Appeals, and Negotiations Committee on November 21, 2022.

O. An Ordinance Amending Sign Ordinance for Casino Signs. This matter was presented to the Code Revisions, Appeals, and Negotiations Committee on November 21, 2022.

P. A Resolution waiving competitive bidding and approving a contract with Maple Valley Construction for emergency repairs to fire station #2. This matter was presented to the Finance and Purchasing Committee on November 21, 2022.

8. Ordinances

9. Closing Items

A. Aldermen Time

10. Adjournment

A. Motion to Adjourn

11. Committee Times

A. 5:00 PM - Finance & Purchasing Committee

B. 6:00 PM - Code Revisions, Appeals, & Negotiations Committee

C. 7:00 PM - Regular City Council Meeting
