
Lake County Gazette

Thursday, March 6, 2025

City of Highland Park Plan and Design Commission met Feb. 21

City of Highland Park Plan and Design Commission met Feb. 21

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:


I. At 7:00 PM Chair Hainsfurther called the meeting to order and asked Planner Burhop to call the roll.


Planner Burhop called the roll and declared a quorum present.

Members Present: Quinlan, Bruckman, Kerch, Hecht, Moore, Hainsfurther (Mantis Absent)

Staff Present: Burhop,

Student Rep.: Adriana Mendoza, Jackson Roberts

Corporation Counsel: Marcus Martinez


a. Motion recommending to approve Regular Meeting minutes for December, 20, 2022.

Moved by Vice Chair Moore, seconded by Commissioner Bruckman, with note that typos including spelling of a name be corrected.


Ayes: Quinlan, Buckman, Kerch, Hecht, Moore, Hainsfurther

Nays: none

Motion passes 6-0

b. Motion recommending to approve Regular Meeting minutes for January 17, 2023.

Moved by Vice Chair Hecht, seconded by Commissioner Kerch, with amendment by Kerch to change that Mantis was the person indicating they had reviewed the video and was able to vote on the Wolbright Project. Chair Hainsfurther stated he would vote present as he was absent this meeting.


Ayes: Quinlan, Buckman, Kerch, Hecht, Moore

Nays: none

Present: Hainsfurther

Motion passes 5-0


1. Public Meeting #2023-SUB-001 for a Plat of Re-subdivision with variations (720, 730, and 740 Ravinia Glen Place)

Chair Hainsfurther sought to specify that this was a Public Meeting as opposed to a Public Hearing.

Planner Burhop provided a presentation of findings of fact and staff recommendations for 720-740 Ravinia Glen Place Re-Subdivision.

Commissioner Quinlan asked about landlocked southwest parcel and if there were any easements for the parcel.

Planner Burhop responded the owner of the parcel is the Ravinia Glen Homeowners Association and that it is for stormwater detention and that moving lot lines will not allow them to build over the easement line.

Chair Hainsfurther stated he questioned why applicant wasn’t trying to get easement removed.

Commissioner Hecht stated he didn’t know what the easement was for.

Chair Hainsfurther stated it is for utilities and drainage.

Commissioner Hecht stated that you could try to get the utilities to change their location.

Planner Burhop said the applicant could at some point in the future propose moving the easement, but that is not part of the proposal.

Chair Hainsfurther said it depends on what utility you are talking about. Commissioner Hecht said its probably a blanket utility.

Planner Burhop noted how the lot line will move so the applicants will have more area and a higher allowed floor area ratio.

Chair Hainsfurther said the easement wouldn’t be subject to a setback and that you couldn’t build on it, but you could build up to it.

Planner Burhop agreed it was unlikely you could put a building into the easement parcel. Commissioner Hecht asked what the practical effect of consolidation of the plats was. Chair Hainsfurther replied you get a bigger lot.

Planner Burhop replied you could eliminate one lot that can’t be built on and each of new lots has more floor area and bigger setbacks if they meet zoning.

Commissioner Hecht asked why they aren’t going from three down to one big lot.

Planner Burhop stated they are both under two ownerships and they are owned by different parties.

Drew Schwartz, the applicant of 720 Ravinia Lot Place, explained why he was asking for this re-submission. He explained this is to prevent a house from being built between the two lots.

Councilman conferred amongst themselves to review the lot lines.

Chair Hainsfurther asked if there were any questions for the applicant.

Motion recommending to adopt the findings of fact recommending to the City Council to adopt the plat of consolidation.

Moved by Commissioner Hecht, seconded by Commissioner Kerch


Ayes: Quinlan, Buckman, Kerch, Hecht, Moore, Hainsworth

Nays: none

Motion passes 6-0

Chair Hainsfurther stated this will be on the city council’s agenda on Monday.

2. Public Hearing #2023-SPE-001 for a Special Exception and Design Review application for a proposed parking lot, with relief to off-street parking regulations, landscaping, lighting, and other variations (700 Park Avenue W, 678-696 Park Avenue W, and 668-670 Park Avenue W)

All commissioners introduced themselves.

Chair explained rules of hearing.

Planner Burhop read into record proof of publication and ownership.

Chair Hainsfurther stated that because the applicant sent revised plans to the city that day, it was likely not in their best interest to vote that evening.

Planner Burhop presented findings of fact.

Chair Hainsfurther asked if there are questions for staff.

Vice Chair Moore asked if the little red square on the map to the east of the applicant’s buildings was still the applicant’s parking lot.

Planner Burhop stated he was unsure and recommended asking applicant. Vice Chair Moore asked if space dimensions of the parking spaces comply with code.

Planner Burhop stated that parallel spaces do not comply, but was unsure about angled parking.

Commissioner Quinlan asked if it is possible to have a non-contiguous parcels be considered the same property, as long as they have the same PIN.

Planner Burhop believed that is possible.

Commissioner Quinlan asked if 6,000 square foot existing parking lot is included in 16,000 square foot threshold for storm runoff

Planner Burhop stated he doesn’t believe so and thinks the threshold is only for new land. Applicant, Larry Hillman, spoke and gave background info on his application. Chair Hainsfurther asked applicant Hillman to speak about remote parking.

Applicant Hillman explained there was a successful petition to the assessor to have that parking lot counted as part of property.

Vice Chair Moore asked if the existing remote parking lot will stay.

Applicant Hillman explained that parking will stay.

Chair Hainsfurther explained that all properties that were shown by applicant Hillman east of his are not required to have a front yard.

Applicant Hillman did not know this to be true.

Chair Hainsfurther restated that he believes this to be true.

Applicant Hillman continued to explain his application.

Chair Hainsfurther explained he did not take exception to front lot issue except that application had sub-standard depth parking and had doubts of geometrics of parallel parking spots. Chair Hainsfurther was concerned about the angle of the parking exit, stated more dimensions are needed, and wanted to know what is being planted.

Commissioner Quinlan asked what dimensions of current plan are for parking plan. Chair Hainsfurther stated applicant needed to bring back dimensions to commission.

Comissioner Hecht asked if driveway is in between two parcels of land of applicant. Also stated this problem started with school district.

Councilman Stolberg said this is not unique and that school district takes many similar stances throughout Highland Park

Commissioner Moore asked if tree island’s purpose is to save existing tree Applicant Hillman stated that is correct

Vice Chair Moore asked if it is possible to replace shrubbery with fence

Chair Hainsfurther said you can put in a four foot high fence and thinks it is the worth considering for the applicant

Applicant Hillman said they have considered that

Commissioner Kerch asked how much yard is to south of property. Applicant Hillman didn’t have answer

Chair Hainsfurther said issue is school won’t give an easement

Commissioner Kerch asked why south can’t be considered front yard Chair Hainsfurther clarified question.

Commissioner Kerch said he is just looking eliminate some of relief being offered by offering a new proposal

Chair Hainsfurther said he doesn’t think school district wants to provide an easement Applicant Hillmans said he has asked

Councilman Hecht asked how school is handling driveway that bisects two parcels and whether residents will walk on driveway to get between parking lot and residence

Chair Hainsfurther said residents can walk on sidewalk to gain access to their residence Councilman Hecht asked if school will block of driveway

Vice Chair Moore asked if there is a separate entrance to side parking lot

Applicant Hillman restates that school Superintendent Lubelfeld cannot be moved on granting an easement. Applicant Hillman stated the lot to east has standard size parking spaces.

Chair Hainsfurther says he doesn’t see a way to ensure full size cars only park in remote lot.

Applicant Hillman showed how there is controlled access due to a gate for the corner parking lot. He is supportive of reversing the front yard and the backyard.

Commissioner Kerch stated that may be good idea because it allows for less relief to be given.

Chair Hainsfurther wondered what will happen when the school is sold.

Applicant Hillman asked the original idea was the special exception was going to be requested when they sold the school, but now the timeline has gotten moved up. He stated that neighbors didn’t want to see a fence and that bumper stops will be put in front of parking spaces.

Councilmember Stollberg asked if Fire Department has opined.

Chair Hainsfurther said it is too soon.

Planner Burhop said Fire Department didn’t have issues with last application and had no comments.

Student Representative Roberts asked how it can be prevented for cars to park diagonally without sticking out in either direction.

Applicant Hillman said bumper stops will prevent this

Student Representative Roberts asked how you ensure those bumper stops are far enough back that they don’t allow cars to stick out in the back

Chair Hainsfurther clarified question and said applicant needs to show a variety of vehicle dimensions. Clarifies with applicant if they understand next steps.

Applicant Hillmans siad he understands what is needed from him from Planning and Design Commission.

Chair Hainsfurther noted there is no testimony from public. Asked Planner Burhop how long they need to review.

Planner Burhop stated as long as applicant can provide materials a few business days before March 7th, it can go before commission on that day.

Applicant Hillman said he would like to go on following date.

Motion recommending to continue this matter to March 21.

Moved by Vice Chair Moore, seconded by Commissioner Bruckman


Ayes: Quinlan, Buckman, Kerch, Hecht, Moore, Hainsfurther

Nays: none

Motion passes 6-0

Administrative Design Review Update - None 

Next Regular Meeting – March 7, 2023 

Planner Burhop stated they will have two agenda items, including Ravinia school additions and related changes and B’nai Torah property seeking to revoke and resign the prior planned development ordinances and related development agreements to allow school to terminate use and allow for by right usage.



Chair Hainsfurther entertained a motion to adjourn.

Motioned by Commission Hecht, seconded by Vice Chair Moore

On a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. The Plan and Design Commission adjourned at 8:06 PM.



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