
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, December 22, 2024

City of Highland Park Historic Preservation Commission met April 19

City of Highland Park Historic Preservation Commission met April 19

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:


At 6:33 p.m., Chairperson Levy called the meeting to order. This Commission meeting takes place on-site.

Staff was asked to call the roll.


Commissioners Present: Chairperson Levy; Commissioners Pines, Greenbaum, Pierce & Weeder

Commissioners Absent: Commissioners Salamasick & Sogi

Councilmember Present: Blumberg

Student Council Present: Asher Mendelson

Student Council Absent: Ella Jacobs

Staff declared that a quorum was present

Staff Present: Coleman

Others Present: Michael Hershenson, Michael Hershenson Architects, Ltd.

Chase Morris, Community Partners for Affordable Housing


Commissioner Pines moved to approve the regular meeting minutes of March 9, 2023. Commissioner

Weeder seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote

Voting Yea Chairperson Levy; Commissioners Pines, Greenbaum, Pierce & Weeder

Voting Nay: None

Chairperson Levy declared that the motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Weeder moved to approve the special meeting minutes of March 16, 2023. Commissioner Pines seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote

Voting Yea Chairperson Levy; Commissioners Pines, Greenbaum, Pierce & Weeder

Voting Nay: None

Chairperson Levy declared that the motion passed unanimously.


1. 2303 Linden – Certificate of Appropriateness (continued)5

Planner Coleman explained the proposal:

• M.C. Goldman House

• Vine/Linden/Maple Local Historic District

• Built c. 1937

• Colonial Revival style

• Project architect is Michael Hershenson, Michael Hershenson Architects Ltd.

• Project location, aerial photos, and existing conditions were shown

• Elevations were illustrated

• Proposal includes:

o Small rear bath addition in rear

o New rear pergola structure

o Renovate existing screened porch

• Existing condition pictures were shown

• Plans and renderings were shown• Standards of COA were noted

Michael Hershenson, the project architect, added that the addition will be built on existing foundation for greenhouse that was damaged and torn down.

Commissioner Pines asked what a pool bath addition is. Mr. Hershenson clarified that it is a bathroom addition.

Commissioner Pierce asked is the work visible from outside the property. Mr. Hershenson responded that it will not be visible from the front or the behind the property. The property abuts a ravine in the rear.

Commissioner Weeder asked what wood steel columns are. Expressed concern that they will not hold up well after time and weather conditions. Mr. Hershenson responded that they are steel columns with wood wrapping. Will make sure the wood wrapping will be thicker to brace weather elements.

Commissioner Pierce moved that this project meets the design standards. Commissioner Greenbaum seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote

Voting Yea Chair Levy; Commissioners Greenbaum, Pierce, Pines, & Weeder

Voting Nay: None

Chair Levy declared that the motion passed unanimously.

2. 925 Deerfield Road – Determination of Historic Significance

Planner Coleman explained the proposal:

• C – Contributing rating in the 2020 Central East survey

• Built in 1895

• Classic Revival style

• Gable Front – secondary architectural style

• Architect is unknown

• Original owner is unknown

• Project location, aerial view, and elevations were shown

• Owner history was provided

• Former 1927 Porch addition permit, 1928 & 1948 detached garage permits

• Architectural features were described

• Landmark criteria was highlighted

• Impact of Historic Findings was illustrated

Planner Coleman noted that the property owner is in the audience. Mr. Chase Morris, Community Partners for Affordable Housing, thanked the HPC for reviewing the properties.

Chairperson Levy asked Mr. Morris if he conducted any historical research on the site before acquiring property. Mr. Morris did not.

Commissioner Pierce moved that this house does not meet any landmark criteria. Commissioner Pines seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote

Voting Yea Chair Levy; Commissioners Greenbaum, Pierce, Pines, & Weeder

Voting Nay: None

Chairperson Levy declared that the motion passed unanimously.

3. 929 Deerfield Road – Determination of Historic Significance

Planner Coleman explained the proposal:

• C – Contributing rating in the 2020 Central East survey

• Built in 1880

• Folk Traditional style

• Gable Front – secondary architectural style

• Architect is unknown

• Original owner is unknown

• Project location, aerial view, and elevations were shown

• Former 1929 Porch permit and 1934 Cladding permit

• Original Owner could not be identified

• Marco Venturi owner listed on 1927 building permit

• Architectural features were described

• Landmark criteria was highlighted

• Impact of Historic Findings was illustrated

Chairperson Levy has trouble identifying any applicable landmark criteria. The other commissioners agree.

Commissioner Greenbaum moved that this house does not meet any landmark criteria. Commissioner Pines seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote2

Voting Yea Chair Levy; Commissioners Greenbaum, Pierce, Pines, & Weeder

Voting Nay: None

Chairperson Levy declared that the motion passed unanimously.

4. 937 Deerfield Road – Determination of Historic Significance

Planner Coleman explained the proposal:

• C – Contributing rating in the 2020 Central East survey

• Built in 1875

• Folk Traditional style

• Gable Front – secondary style classification

• Architect is unknown

• Original owner is unknown

• Project location, aerial view, and elevations were shown

• Original Owner could not be identified

• Former 1935 Porch addition, 1943 detached garage permit, 1945 porch rail permit, 1946 remodel permit, & 1954 frame alteration permit

• Architectural features were described

• Landmark criteria was highlighted

• Impact of Historic Findings was illustrated

No comments or questions.

Commissioner Weeder moved that this house does not meet any landmark criteria. Commissioner

Greenbaum seconded the motion

On a roll call vote

Voting Yea Chair Levy; Commissioners Greenbaum, Pierce, Pines, & Weeder

Voting Nay: None

Chairperson Levy declared that the motion passed unanimously.

Meeting called into brief recess called at 7:03.

Meeting resumed from recess at 7:07


1. Preservation Awards Ceremony Details

Planner Coleman presented the 2023 Preservation Award winners and details ahead of the ceremony on May 4th . Baked goods & light refreshments are welcomed.

Planner Coleman shared three nominations:

• 175 Ravine Drive

• 278 Linden Park Place

• 259 Hazel Avenue

Commissioner Pierce inquired about having name tags for commissioners. The commission agreed that sticker nametags would suffice.


No Business from the public.


1. Next Regular HPC Meeting

The next regular meeting is scheduled for May 11, 2023.


Planner Coleman informed the commission that City Council will adopt a proclamation recognizing May as Preservation Month at Monday, April 24 th meeting.

Planner Coleman also informed the commission that the Preservation Award winning projects will be presented to the Council by Director Fontane at Monday, April 24th’s City Council meeting.

Planner Coleman reminded the commission that he will be absent at the May 11 th HPC meeting. Senior Planner Akash will fill in.


Commissioner Pines moved to adjourn at 7:22 p.m. Commissioner Pierce seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote

Voting Yea Chair Levy; Commissioners Greenbaum, Pierce, Pines, & Weeder6

Voting Nay: None

Chairperson Levy declared that the motion passed unanimously.