
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Lake County Board of Health met June 28

Lake County Board of Health met June 28

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

1. Call to Order

Vice President Ehrlich called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The meeting was delayed due to the delayed start of the Credentialing Committee meeting.

2. Roll Call of Members

President Sashko was in attendance via Teams and voted on action items as allowed under the Board of Health bylaws, Article V - Meetings and Voting, paragraph M.

Present 8 - President Sashko, Vice President Ehrlich M.D., Secretary DeVaux, Member-at-Large Hagstrom D.D.S., Member Cerk, Member Larson Ph.D., Member Parekh and Member Mittl Pollina Psy.D.

Absent 4 - Member-at-Large Maine Ph.D., Member Belmonte D.O., Member Johnson Jones Ed.D. and Member Soulakis Ph.D.

3. Pledge of Allegiance

This matter was presented

4. Public Comment to the Board


5. Awards, Recognitions, Appointments and Reappointments


6. Presentations

6.1 Trauma Informed Care - Robbins

Heather Robbins, Associate Director of Behavioral Health, reviewed the information provided in the agenda packet. Member Larson asked for the definition of trauma informed spaces and why it matters. Heather explained that it is the thoughtful examination of the physical spaces we use to offer our services and then design those spaces to promote a sense of safety, calm, and de-escalation for clients and staff. Mark Pfister added that he will have Lisa Kroeger resend the link for the Trauma Informed Care video previously shared with the Board.

7. President’s Report

Executive Director Mark Pfister, on behalf of President Sashko, reported the following:

1. Nick Soulakis, Ph.D., is the new Board of Health member as his appointment was finalized by the County Board at their meeting on June 13, 2023. He is an epidemiologist and a professor at Loyola University Chicago. Unfortunately, he could not attend this evening's meeting as he is out of the country.

2. John Wurl is the new Director of Health Informatics and Technology. His first day was June 20, 2023. He has worked for Abbott, Thresholds, and the Health Information Exchanges in New York and Ohio. He was born and raised in Lake County and currently resides in Gurnee.

8. Consent Agenda

8.1 May 24, 2023 Meeting Minutes

Vice President Ehrlich called for a motion to approve the minutes of May 24, 2023. Motion by Member DeVaux, second by Member Pollina. Motion carried by the following roll call vote:

Aye: 8 - President Sashko, Vice President Ehrlich M.D., Secretary DeVaux, Member-at-Large Hagstrom D.D.S., Member Cerk, Member Larson Ph.D., Member Parekh and Member Mittl Pollina Psy.D.

Absent: 4 - Member-at-Large Maine Ph.D., Member Belmonte D.O., Member Johnson Jones Ed.D. and Member Soulakis Ph.D.

9. Regular Agenda 

9.1 Request for Proposals #23064 Consulting Services for Fee-for-Service to Value Based Care Transformation - Nordstrom

Jerry Nordstrom, Director of Business Operations, reviewed the information provided in the agenda packet.

Vice President Ehrlich called for a motion to approve the award for RFP #23064. Motion by Member Hagstrom, second by Member Parekh. Motion carried by the following roll call vote:

Aye: 8 - President Sashko, Vice President Ehrlich M.D., Secretary DeVaux, Member-at-Large Hagstrom D.D.S., Member Cerk, Member Larson Ph.D., Member Parekh and Member Mittl Pollina Psy.D.

Absent: 4 - Member-at-Large Maine Ph.D., Member Belmonte D.O., Member Johnson Jones Ed.D. and Member Soulakis Ph.D.

9.2 Illinois Department of Natural Resources - Fish and Wildlife - $42,387.00 - Grant Approval - Mackey

Larry Mackey, Director of Environmental Health, reviewed the information provided in the agenda packet.

Vice President Ehrlich called for a motion to approve the Fish and Wildlife funding. Motion by Member Larson, second by Member Parekh. Motion carried by the following roll call vote:

Aye: 8 - President Sashko, Vice President Ehrlich M.D., Secretary DeVaux, Member-at-Large Hagstrom D.D.S., Member Cerk, Member Larson Ph.D., Member Parekh and Member Mittl Pollina Psy.D.

Absent: 4 - Member-at-Large Maine Ph.D., Member Belmonte D.O., Member Johnson Jones Ed.D. and Member Soulakis Ph.D.

9.3 Illinois Department of Public Health - Public Health Emergency Preparedness - $5,000.00 - Grant Approval - Kritz

Lisa Kritz, Director of Prevention, reviewed the information provided in the agenda packet. Member Parekh stated that the amount seems rather small and asked if the funds are part of a larger grant. Lisa explained that this consultant has worked with the Health Department on other projects so when the $5,000 funding was received they agreed to assist with the COOP. Mark added that the Health Department already has COOP templates that the consultant is going to review and assist with revising, but it is program staff who are going to flesh out and complete their program's respective template.

Vice President Ehrlich called for a motion approve the PHEP funding. Motion by Member Pollina, second by Member DeVaux. Motion carried by the following roll call vote:

Aye: 8 - President Sashko, Vice President Ehrlich M.D., Secretary DeVaux, Member-at-Large Hagstrom D.D.S., Member Cerk, Member Larson Ph.D., Member Parekh and Member Mittl Pollina Psy.D.

Absent: 4 - Member-at-Large Maine Ph.D., Member Belmonte D.O., Member Johnson Jones Ed.D. and Member Soulakis Ph.D.

9.4 Proposed Revisions to Health Department Employee Policies - Hagstrom

Personnel Committee Chair Hagstrom presented the policy revisions for Board approval noting that the committee made one additional change to The Pay Plan – Other Pay Provisions by removing the words “and/or the Governing Council” from the last sentence of the last paragraph in section I. Policy, as the Board of Health is the only governing body with the authority to grant such approval.

Vice President Ehrlich called for a motion to approve the proposed revisions to the employee policies. Motion by Member Larson, second by Member DeVaux. Voice vote, all in favor, motion carried.

Aye: 8 - President Sashko, Vice President Ehrlich M.D., Secretary DeVaux, Member-at-Large Hagstrom D.D.S., Member Cerk, Member Larson Ph.D., Member Parekh and Member Mittl Pollina Psy.D.

Absent: 4 - Member-at-Large Maine Ph.D., Member Belmonte D.O., Member Johnson Jones Ed.D. and Member Soulakis Ph.D.

9.5 Licensed Independent Practitioner (LIP) Privileging/Credentialing and Reappointments - Dr. Larson

Credentialing Committee Vice Chair Larson presented the LIPs for privileging/credentialing and reappointment.

Vice President Ehrlich called for a motion approve the provider privileging/credentialing and reappointments. Motion by Member Hagstrom, second by Member Pollina. Voice vote, all in favor, motion carried.

Aye: 8 - President Sashko, Vice President Ehrlich M.D., Secretary DeVaux, Member-at-Large Hagstrom D.D.S., Member Cerk, Member Larson Ph.D., Member Parekh and Member Mittl Pollina Psy.D.

Absent: 4 - Member-at-Large Maine Ph.D., Member Belmonte D.O., Member Johnson Jones Ed.D. and Member Soulakis Ph.D.

10. Discussion Items 

10.1 Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures - Riley

Pam Riley, Director of Finance, reviewed the information provided in the agenda packet. For the newer Board members, Mark explained that the Board of Health always passes a balanced budget, but the Health Department starts with a negative budget after the County looks at the health fund balance which, per statute, the County can only use for Health Department purposes, and reduces our levy amount. Through the year the Health Department brings in more money through emergency appropriations, etc., and those dollars go in to the health fund. Per County policy, the health fund can only be 29% of Health Department expense, so when the Board of Health recommends a balanced budget it also requests a certain amount of property taxes be levied for the health fund. The County then looks at the health fund balance and extracts up to the 29% allowed and levies the balance of the amount requested. Basically, there is money in the bank account, the County does a withdrawal, and through the year the Health Department puts money back in, and that is the usual and customary cycle which is referred to as "use of cash."

This matter was presented

11. Attachments for Board Review

11.1 Media Placement Highlights - Nordstrom

This matter was presented

12. Lake County Community Health Center Governing Council Update

Kim Burke, Director of Healthcare Operations, informed the Board that the Governing Council met on June 13, 2023. In the agenda was the revised HRSA ARPA budget which was extended until March 31, 2024. The remaining funds will be focused on centralizing and standardizing items within our health centers (i.e., furniture, supplies, equipment). Also, many of the items in the revised HRSA ARPA budget will be interfaced with our electronic health record (i.e., vitals machines, EKG machines). The Council also reviews operational statistics where an ongoing effort is being made to reduce the no show rate. Historically, it has been 23-25% with a goal of 10% or less. Some of the health centers have already reached that goal, with the remainder very close to it. There is also a new patient wait list of approximately 4,500 individuals seeking to establish care and 77% of those are adults. Currently we are at capacity with 50 new patient appointment slots available per week.

13. Lake County Tuberculosis Board Update

Lisa Kritz reported that Dr. Lavanya Srinivasan has resigned from the TB Board and that a replacement candidate has been submitted to the County Board office to be included in the July 11, 2023, County Board agenda.

14. Added to Agenda Items


15. Old Business


16. New Business


17. Executive Session


18. Adjournment

Vice President Ehrlich adjourned the meeting at 7:06 p.m.
