
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Village of Antioch Board of Trustees met Nov. 8

Webp 5

Trustee Ed Macek | Village Of Antioch

Trustee Ed Macek | Village Of Antioch

Village of Antioch Board of Trustees met Nov. 8

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

I. Call to Order 

II. Pledge of Allegiance 

III. Roll Call 

IV. Absent Trustees Wishing to Attend Remotely 

V. Mayoral Report 

1. Acknowledgements: Veteran’s Day (11), Thanksgiving (23), Native American Heritage Month, Library & Information Services Month

Citizens Wishing to address the Board (The public is invited to make an issue-oriented comment on any matter of public concern not otherwise on the agenda 

VI. Consent Agenda 

1. Approval of the October 25, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes as presented.

2. Approval of a Resolution authorizing and approving a letter of intent between Raymond Chevrolet, Inc. and the Village of Antioch - Resolution No. 23-67 

3. Approval of a Resolution approving a permit fee waiver for the Oakwood Knolls Property Owners’ Shoreline Stabilization Project in the amount of $300 – Resolution No. 23-68 

VII. Regular Business 

4. Consideration and approval of payment of accounts payable as prepared by staff in the amount of $817,699.38

5. Consideration and approval of a Resolution accepting the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ending April 30, 2023 – Resolution No. 23-69 

6. Consideration and approval of a Resolution authorizing the acceptance of the Municipal Compliance Report for Fiscal Year ended April 30, 2023 – Resolution No. 23-70 

7. Consideration and approval of a Resolution approving a permit fee waiver for 15 Lakes Located at 919 Main Street in the amount of $13,000 - Resolution No. 23-71 

8. Consideration and approval of an ordinance adding one more Class "B" Liquor License for Old Chicago Red Hots - Ordinance No. 23-11-31 

9. Consideration and approval of a Resolution authorizing and approving the Antioch Chamber of Commerce to use real property owned by the Village of Antioch for the Taste of Summer Festival – Resolution No. 23-72 

10. Consideration and approval of an Ordinance amending Sections 4-2B-6 and 4-14-4 of the Antioch Village Code to require liquor license applicants and tobacco license applicants within the Village of Antioch, Illinois to refrain from selling products containing Delta-8 THC and Kratom- Ordinance No. 23-11-32

11. Consideration and approval of a Resolution authorizing a change order and costs associated with the Open Space Development at Main Street and Orchard Street related to the relocation of utilities, fire alarm requirements, and lighting requirements, in the amount of $38,044.96 - Resolution No. 23-73 

VIII. Administrator’s Report 

IX. Village Clerk’s Report 

X. Department Reports: Community Development, Finance, Police 

XI. Trustee Reports 

XII. Adjournment 
