
Lake County Gazette

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Lake County HCDC Advisory and Recommendation Committee - Homelessness met March 8

Webp 9

Diane Hewitt (District 8) Lake County Board Member | Lake County Website

Diane Hewitt (District 8) Lake County Board Member | Lake County Website

Lake County HCDC Advisory and Recommendation Committee - Homelessness met March 8

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Roll Call

Brenda O’Connell, Community Development Administrator, called the meeting to order at 1:04 PM.

Guest: Julie Halpern-Cordell, Nester Sagun, Eric Foote and Allen Swilley with PADs Lake County

Guest Via Zoom: Lorraine Hocker with Lake County Housing Authority

Staff: Brenda O’Connell, Dominic Strezo, Eric Tellez, Penni Raphaelson, Yazmin Albino, and Danielle White.

Present 3 - Commissioner Knight, Commissioner Venturi and Commissioner Ross Cunningham

Absent 1 - Commissioner Altenberg

2. Approval of Minutes

No minutes to approve.

3. Public Comment (items not on the agenda)

No Public Comments.

4. Old Business

No Old Business.

5. New Business

5.1 24-0294

Program Year 2024 (PY24) Homeless Assistance Application Round Presentation, Deliberations, and Allocations - Discussion and Recommendations.

· The Homeless Assistance Advisory and Recommendations Committee (ARC) is responsible for making homeless-related funding allocation recommendations for the PY24 funding round.

· Recommendations are forwarded for consideration and approval to the Housing & Community Development Commission (HCDC).

Brenda O'Connell, Community Development Administrator, defined homeless and Lake County's Homeless Response System. She shared preliminary homelessness statistics from the point-in-time count that took place in January.

Penni Raphaelson presented the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funding recommendations. Eligible program components for ESG funding are Outreach, Emergency Shelter, Homelessness Prevention, Rapid Rehousing, Homeless Management Information System, and Administration. Shelter and Outreach funding is capped at 60% of the total funding.

Lorraine Hocker, Executive Director of Lake County Housing Authority, asked about the number of units Kids Above All has funded through ESG funding, and if there are other ways to help further fund their needs.

Allen Swilley, Executive Director of PADS Lake County, thanked the Commission for their support of PADS programs, and gave some further explanation of transiting their program to a motel model.


Aye: 3 - Commissioner Knight, Commissioner Venturi and Commissioner Ross Cunningham

Absent: 1 - Commissioner Altenberg

6. Staff Reports

Brenda O'Connell said she's proud of the thoughtfulness of the Commission, and that she is confident they are putting building blocks in place to create a Lake County where all residents can thrive.

7. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 2:01 PM.
