
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Lake County Public Works and Transportation Committee met May 29

Webp 10

Mary Ross-Cunningham (District 9) Lake County Board Vice-Chair | Lake County Website

Mary Ross-Cunningham (District 9) Lake County Board Vice-Chair | Lake County Website

Lake County Public Works and Transportation Committee met May 29

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Roll Call of Members

4. Addenda to the Agenda

5. Public Comment

6. Chair's Remarks

7. Unfinished Business

8. New Business

CONSENT AGENDA (Items 8.1 - 8.3)


8.1 24-0654

Committee action approving the Public Works and Transportation Committee minutes from May 1, 2024.

PWT 5.1.24 Final Minutes


8.2 24-0670

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Muscat Co., Dundee, Illinois, for fire hydrant preparation and painting at various locations within Lake County Public Works operating systems in the estimated annual amount of $60,950, with renewal options.

• Lake County Public Works has a need to repaint approximately 530 hydrants.

• In accordance with the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, bids were called for by publication of the Fire Hydrant Preparation and Painting Project and sealed bids were received ranging from $51,940 to $190,800.

• Muscat Co. submitted the lowest responsive and responsible bid. Unit prices were provided as part of the bid.

• The term of the contract will be two years with three one-year renewal options to allow for future projects with services based on approved contracted unit prices.

• This resolution authorizes and directs the County Purchasing Agent to execute a contract with Muscat Co. of Dundee, Illinois in the estimated amount of $60,950.

24-0670 Hydrant Painting Bid Final

24-0670 Hydrant Painting Bid Tab FINAL

24-0670 Hydrant Painting Muscat Vendor Disclosure Form

8.3 24-0671

Joint resolution authorizing execution of a contract with William T. Connelly Inc., dba Connelly Electric Co., Addison, Illinois, in the amount of $72,000 for an electrical upgrade at the Lake County Public Works (LCPW) Rollins Lift Station.

• LCPW operates the Rollins Lift Station that serves residents in unincorporated Lake County. This includes sections of Lake Villa, Grant, and Avon Township.

• The Rollins Lift Station requires an electrical upgrade that will enhance the performance of the pumps in place. This will also allow the station to continue to provide economical and reliable sanitary sewer service.

• The County received bids from two contractors for this work ranging from $72,000 to $103,000.

• The award of this contract is recommended to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Connelly Electric Co.

• Funds included in the County’s Adopted Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Budget will be utilized for this Project.

• This resolution authorizes and directs the Purchasing Agent to execute a contract with Connelly Electric Co. of Addison, Illinois, in the amount of $72,000.

24-0671 Rollins Lift Station Connelly Electric Bid Tab

24-0671 Rollins Lift Station Connelly Electric Front End Bid Docs

24-0671 Rollins Lift Station Connelly Electric Map

24-0671 Rollins Lift Station Connelly Electric Vendor Disclosure Statement



8.4 24-0672

Director’s Report - Public Works.

• Review of Considerations and Principles 

Considerations and Principles Document 2015.12.02 

Lake County Memorandum re Considerations and Principles (2024 Update) 

2024.05 Considerations and Principles - revised


8.5 24-0661

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Superior Road Striping, Inc., Bartlett, Illinois, in the amount of $833,443.04 for the removal and replacement of pavement markings, and the removal and replacement of pavement markers on various County highways, which will be improved under the Illinois Highway Code for a total of 127 centerline miles and appropriating $1,000,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds.

• The County maintains over 300 total centerline miles and more than 900 total lane miles of pavement markings and pavement markers for medians, lane lines, and cross walks.

• There was a public call for bids, and a total of two bids were received, ranging from $833,443.04 to $895,006.50, and the lowest responsible bidder is Superior Road Striping, Inc., Bartlett, Illinois, in the amount of $833,443.04.

• This project is included in the Transportation Improvement Program, and designated as Section 24-00000-15-GM.

24-0661 Bid Tabulation, 2024 Pavement Marking and Markers Replacement

24-0661 Vendor Disclosure, Superior

8.6 24-0662

Ordinance providing for the establishment of a County altered speed zone of 35 miles per hour (MPH), currently designated 45 MPH on Millburn Road, from a point 500 feet east of Mill Creek to a point 875 feet east of Crawford Road, located in Newport Township.

• Ordinance is required to establish speed zones.

• The necessary speed studies have been undertaken at the request of the Traffic Department.

24-0662 Location Map, County Speed Ordinance Millburn Road

8.7 24-0663

Ordinance providing for the establishment of a County altered speed zone of 35 miles per hour (MPH), currently designated 45 MPH on Darrell Road, from a point 620 feet south of Roberts Road to Roberts Road located in Wauconda Township.

• Ordinance is required to establish speed zones.

• The necessary speed studies have been undertaken at the request of the Traffic Department.

24-0663 Location Map, County Speed Ordinance Darrell Road

8.8 24-0664

Division of Transportation Annual Update.

24-0664 2024 DOT Annual Update

8.9 24-0003

Director’s Report - Division of Transportation.

9. County Administrator's Report

10. Executive Session

11. Member Remarks and Requests

12. Adjournment
