Linda Pedersen, (District 1) Lake County Board Member | Lake County Website
Linda Pedersen, (District 1) Lake County Board Member | Lake County Website
Lake County Planning, Building, Zoning and Environment Committee met May 8
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order
Chair Vealitzek called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Chair Vealitzek led the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Roll Call of Members
Present 7 - Member Altenberg, Member Frank, Vice Chair Pedersen, Member Roberts, Member Schlick, Chair Vealitzek and Member Wasik
Other Attendees
In Person:
Sandy Hart, County Board Chair
Mary Ross Cunningham, County Board Vice Chair
Krista Barkley Braun, Planning, Building, and Development
Taylor Gendel, Planning, Building, and Development
Walter Willis, Solid Waste Agency of Lake County
Robin Grooms, County Administrator's Office
Carl Kirar, Facilities and Construction Services
RuthAnne Hall, County Administrator's Office
Matt Meyers, County Administrator's Office
Abby Krakow, Communications
Patrice Sutton, County Administrator's Office
Theresa Glatzhofer, County Board Office
Tammy Chatman, Communications
Kevin Quinn, Communications
Eric Waggoner, Planning, Building, and Development
Kevin Hunter, Board Member
Kristy Cechini, County Board Office
Janna Philipp, County Administrator's Office
Carl Kirar, Facilities and Construction Services
Bryan Lenz, American Bird Conservancy
Ieva Donev, Planning, Building and Development
Eric Steffen, Planning, Building, and Development
Nick Principali, Finance
Alexander Carr, Communications
Sonia Hernandez, County Administrator's Office
Krista Kennedy, Finance
Donnie Dann, Bird Conservation Network
4. Addenda to the Agenda
There were no additions or amendments to the agenda.
5. Public Comment
There were no comments from the public.
6. Chair's Remarks
There were no remarks from the Chair.
7. Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business to discuss.
8. New Business
8.1 24-0557
Committee action recommending a bird friendly building design Ordinance and directing staff to prepare such Ordinance for County Board adoption.
BFBD Building Code Amendments Draft PBZE 5.8.24
BFBD Amendments Presentation PBZE 5.8.24
Eric Waggoner, Planning, Building and Development (PB&D) Director, and Taylor Gendel, Senior Planner, PB&D, provided a presentation regarding a bird-friendly building design Ordinance. Director Waggoner noted that County Board action regarding this Ordinance will take place at the Lake County Board meeting on June 11, 2024, not at the May 14, 2024 Lake County Board meeting. Discussion ensued.
A motion was made by Member Frank, seconded by Member Altenberg, that this committee action item be approved. The motion carried by the following voice vote:
Aye: 7 - Member Altenberg, Member Frank, Vice Chair Pedersen, Member Roberts, Member Schlick, Chair Vealitzek and Member Wasik
8.2 24-0598
Joint resolution recommending adoption of a Bird Friendly Building Design (BFBD) Policy for Lake County Owned Buildings.
Bird Friendly Building Design (BFBD) Policy FINAL as APPROVED on 5-14-24 (24-0598)
Lake County Facilities BFBD Policy FBA 5.14.24
Eric Waggoner, Planning, Building and Development (PB&D) Director, and Taylor Gendel, Senior Planner, PB&D, provided an overview of a Bird Friendly Building Design Policy for Lake County Owned Buildings. Director Waggoner also noted that there will be a pilot program to retro-fit the Central Permit Facility in Libertyville with bird-friendly materials. Discussion ensued.
A motion was made by Member Frank, seconded by Member Schlick, that this resolution be approved and referred on to the Financial and Administrative Committee. The motion carried by the following voice vote:
Aye: 7 - Member Altenberg, Member Frank, Vice Chair Pedersen, Member Roberts, Member Schlick, Chair Vealitzek and Member Wasik
8.3 24-0004
Director’s Report - Planning, Building and Development.
Eric Waggoner, Planning, Building and Development (PB&D) Director, explained that he will be combining the PB&D Department's annual update with a work plan discussion for the Committee on May 29th. Director Waggoner also outlined other topics of interest that will be returning to the Committee, such as the Dark Sky Initiative and the Native Tree Amendments. Discussion ensued.
8.4 24-0593
Ordinance amending Chapter 50: Solid Waste of the Lake County, Illinois, Code of Ordinances as it relates to the Procedure for new Pollution Control Facilities and Site Approval Requests.
LC Code - Chap 50 - Update 2024 - EXHIBIT A - CLEAN - As Amended at PBZ&E on 5.8.24
LC Code - Chap 50 - Update 2024 - EXHIBIT A - REDLINED - As Amended at PBZ&E on 5.8.24
Lisle Stalter, Chief Attorney, State's Attorney's Office, and Matt Meyers, Assistant County Administrator, provided a summary of the recommended amendments to Chapter 50: Solid Waste of the Lake County, Illinois Code of Ordinances relating to the procedure for new Pollution Control Facilities and Site Approval Requests. Assistant County Administrator Meyers and Chief Attorney Stalter noted that additional edits to the ordinance have been identified and are being recommended by County Administration and the State's Attorney's Office.
A motion was made by Vice Chair Pedersen, seconded by Member Roberts, to amend the proposed ordinance with the red line changes that have been reviewed today by the County Administrator's Office and the State's Attorney's Office. The motion carried by the following voice vote:
Aye: 7 - Member Altenberg, Member Frank, Vice Chair Pedersen, Member Roberts, Member Schlick, Chair Vealitzek and Member Wasik
Discussion ensued regarding the Ordinance as amended.
Member Frank left the meeting at 11:59 a.m.
A motion was made by Member Wasik, seconded by Member Schlick, to amend the language in the previously amended ordinance, on page 16, section 50.49A, to add a sentence at the end stating that "a public hearing shall be held as close as possible to the proposed facility." The motion carried by the following voice vote:
Aye: 5 - Member Altenberg, Member Roberts, Member Schlick, Chair Vealitzek and Member Wasik
Nay: 1 - Vice Chair Pedersen
Not Present: 1 - Member Frank
A motion was made by Vice Chair Pedersen, seconded by Member Roberts, that this ordinance be approved as amended and recommended to the County Board agenda. The motion carried by the following voice vote:
Aye: 6 - Member Altenberg, Vice Chair Pedersen, Member Roberts, Member Schlick, Chair Vealitzek and Member Wasik
Not Present: 1 - Member Frank
9. County Administrator's Report
There was no County Administrator's report.
10. Executive Session
The Committee did not enter into Executive Session.
11. Member Remarks and Requests
There were no remarks or requests from Members.
12. Adjournment
Chair Vealitzek declared the meeting adjourned at 12:07 p.m.