Annette Lidawer - Councilmember | City of Highland Park Website
Annette Lidawer - Councilmember | City of Highland Park Website
City of Highland Park Zoning Board of Appeals met Feb. 6
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1) Call to Order
2) Approval of Minutes:
a) 12/05/2024 Zoning Board of Appeals Draft Minutes
b) 01/16/2025 Zoning Board of Appeals Draft Minutes
3) Business from the Public
4) Old Business
5) New Business
a) #VAR-2024-00034 Appellant: Lindar I, LLC
Property: 295 Cedar Ave Address: 295 Cedar Ave, Highland Park, Illinois 60035
Zoning District: R4 / LFOZ
The petitioner and owner Lindar I, LLC of 295 Cedar Ave, Highland Park, Illinois 60035, requests by authority of Section 150.1204(A)(13), of the Highland Park Code, variation of provisions of Section 150.104(A), Section 150.402, and Section 150.710(A), to allow the Subject Property 295 Cedar Ave to be used as an independent and distinct Zoning Lot and Legal Lot of Record.
a) #VAR-2024-00038
Property: 265 Roger Williams Ave Appellant: Jennifer P. Holtz of Studio Talo Architecture
Zoning District: R4 / LFOZ Address: 265 Roger Williams Ave, Highland Park, Illinois 60035
The petitioner Jennifer P. Holtz of Studio Talo Architecture on behalf of the owners Patrick & Emily Rice of 265 Roger Williams Ave, Highland Park, IL 60035, request by authority of Section 150.1204(A)(1) of the Highland Park Zoning Code, variations of provisions Sections 150.703 & 150.711 to construct an addition to the northwest corner of the property with the Established Building Setback, as well as a detached garage on the eastern side of the lot that will encroach into the required total side yard setback.
b) #VAR-2024-00039 Appellant: Neal H and Toby J. Deutsch
Property: 3011 Lexington Lane W Address: 3011 Lexington L W, Highland Park, Illinois 60035
Zoning District: R5
The petitioners and owners, Neal H and Toby J. Deutsch of 3011 Lexington Ln W, Highland Park, IL 60035, request by authority of Section 150.1204(A)(4) of the Highland Park Zoning Code, variations of provisions Sections 150.703.3 to construct a sunroom addition that will exceed the allowable Floor Area Ratio.
6) Staff Report
7) Miscellaneous
8) Adjournment