Vance D. Wyatt, City Treasurer | Facebook
Vance D. Wyatt, City Treasurer | Facebook
City of North Chicago Human Resources Committee met Jan. 21
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Alderman Murphy called the meeting to order.
Present: Jackson, Coleman, Evans, Smith, Murphy
Absent: Allen, January
Liz Black Human Resources Director explained the consulting agreement with I.T. Associates.
Mrs. Black explained it was new staffing tool assisting the City.
Alderman Evans questioned clarification. Mrs. Black clarified was just a staffing agency to place the candidates accordingly. Chief of Staff Greg Jackson added he wasn’t satisfied with GovHR with the specific placement. Alderman Evans asked if Lake County advertised for specific positions.
Alderman Jackson understood the company was utilized. Alderman Murphy elaborated further on the subject.
Alderman Smith was concerned if the company was reaching for candidates in Lake County area.
Chief of Staff ensured the staffing agency for a candidate wasn’t distance related. They were world recognized. Alderman Smith suggested tool on city’s Facebook page for hiring on social media. Chief of Staff added the City of North Chicago had a linked-in page for advertising. He needed to manage and development content for the social media pages.
Alderman Evans was concerned with hiring within the City and it wasn’t advertised. There have been job fairs and they have reached out to veteran groups. Some of the positions required a college degree or MBA and was required at a longer distance for qualified candidates. He explained the resumes were viewed and was the city’s choice in hiring them. Mrs. Black named the open positions that were interviewed. The staffing agency was just another tool. She was addressing it to Council.
Alderman Murphy assured received the job openings from the H.R. Director. It was also listed in the H.R. Report. There was no charge if the chosen candidate was hired within (6) months.
Alderman Coleman suggested hiring more within suggested posting more in high-traffic areas.
Alderman Murphy e-mailing option to the Chief of Staff or H.R. Direction withy any suggestions from the council members.
Alderman Coleman moved, seconded by Alderman Jackson that Human Resources Committee Meeting stand adjourned.
Ayes: Jackson, Coleman, Evans, Smith, Murphy
Nays: None
Absent: Allen, January
The meeting adjourned at 8:53 p.m.