City OF Zion Planning and Zoning Commission met June 01.
Here is the minutes as provided by the commission:
1. Opening Protocol
o Call to Order
Chairman Winfrey called the meeting to order at 7:02pm.
o Attendance
Ernest Isley, Bruce Quinn, Gerald Riley, Juanita Winfrey
Also Present:
Richard Ianson, Director of Building & Zoning, City of Zion Paula Randall, Attorney, City of Zion
Jim Bowman, Howard Burkemper (Excused), Madeline Santana
o Approval of Agenda
It was motioned by Mr. Quinn and seconded by Mr. Riley to approve
the agenda as presented.
Vote: Ernest Isley, aye, Bruce Quinn, aye, Gerald Riley, aye, Juanita Winfrey, aye. Motion passes.
At this time, Chairperson Winfrey swore in all audience members that will be speaking towards any of the dockets.
o Approval of meeting minutes from May 4, 2017
It was motioned by Mr. Isley and seconded by Mr. Quinn to approve the meeting minutes as presented.
Vote: Ernest Isley, aye, Bruce Quinn, aye, Gerald Riley, aye, Juanita Winfrey, aye. Motion passes.
II. Public Hearings/Swearing in
1. Docket 17-Z-3
Petitioner: BC Automotive
Request: Seeking a Special Use Permit to sell vehicles we repair.
Director Ianson stated that under the current salvage license, BC Automotive can repair and sell 4 cars. He would like to expand to sell 810 cars. Mr. Isley asked approximately how many cars will be sold. Steve Slocum, 2809 Damascus stated up to ten. Mr. Isley asked if he has to apply to the state for the license. Mr. Slocum said yes.
Mr. Slocum added that he would like to sell vehicles to improve sales and help out with insurance costs.
Mr. Quinn asked if the potential farming operation would impact his sales. Mr. Slocum stated that it will not impact us we've made changes in operation in anticipation of them coming.
Ronald Slocum, 941 Landon Ave, Winthrop Harbor, stated that Steve is his brother and they would like to repair and sell the vehicles to improve sales and help out with insurance costs.
After reviewing the Findings of Facts, it was motioned by Mr. Isley and seconded by Mr. Riley to recommend approval the Petitioner's application.
Vote: Ernest Isley, aye, Bruce Quinn, aye, Gerald Riley, aye, Juanita Winfrey, aye. Motion passes.
III. City of Zion Comprehensive Plan Activity Report
Secretary Bronson presented the Comprehensive Plan Activity Report to the Commission for review. No action was taken.
IV. Public Participation
There was none.
V. New Business
1. Docket Update
Director Ianson gave a status update on Planning and Zoning Dockets 16
Z-9, 17-Z-1 and 17-Z-2.
VI. Adjourn
Being no further business to come before the Commission, it was motioned by Mr. Isley and seconded by Mr. Quinn to adjourn the meeting
at 7:20pm.