
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Oak Park President and Board of Trustees will meet March 5.

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Village of Oak Park President and Board of Trustees will meet March 5.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Consideration of Motion to Adjourn to Executive Session to Discuss Litigation and Review of Executive Session Minutes

IV. Adjourn Executive Session

V. Reconvene to Regular Meeting in Council Chambers and Call to Order

VI. Roll Call

VII. Agenda Approval

VIII. Minutes

A. MOT 18-294 Motion to Approve Minutes from February 20, 2018 Regular Meeting and February 26, 2018 Special Meeting of the Village Board.


This is a motion to approve the official minutes of meetings of the Village Board.

IX. Non-Agenda Public Comment

X. Village Manager Reports

B. ID 18-806 Review of the Village Board Meeting Calendars for March, April and May 2018

Overview: Once per month the Village Manager presents the tentative schedule of the Village of Oak Park Page 1 Printed on 05:01 PM March 1, 2018

5, 2018 upcoming meetings of the Village Board for review and comment.

XI. Village Board Committees

XII. Citizen Commission Vacancies

C. ID 18-811 Board and Commission Vacancy Report for March 5, 2018.

XIII. Citizen Commission Appointments, Reappointments and Chair Appointments

D. MOT 18-296 Motion to Consent to the Village President’s Appointments of:

Taxing Bodies Efficiencies Task Force

E. MOT 18-297 Motion to consent to the Village President’s Appointment of:

Board of Health - Jennifer Fritz, Appoinit as Member Board of Health - Ryan Patrick, Appoint as Member Building Codes Advisory Commission - Rick Sabatino, Reappoint as Member Community Development Citizens Advisory Committee - Julia Hamel, Appoint as Member Environment & Energy Commission - Matthew Alvarez, Appoint as Member Transportation Commission - Meghann Moses, Appoint as Member

XIV. Consent Agenda

F. RES 18-749 A Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement with Tetra

Tech Inc., for an Environmental Preliminary Site Investigation for the Lake Street Improvement Projects in an Amount not to Exceed $36,511 and Authorizing its Execution


The Engineering Division released a Request for Proposal to perform environmental soil sampling and reporting to comply with Illinois Department of Transportation requirements for the Lake Street Streetscape, Resurfacing, and Utility Improvement projects. The soil sampling is needed as there are approximately 28 locations along Lake Street and Marion Street with current or historical uses that require sampling to verify clean soils or determine if there is contamination. The Village received 12 proposals. The proposal from Tetra Tech best fit the needs of the Village while also at the lowest competitive price.

G. RES 18-750 A Resolution Approving a Second Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Thomas Engineering Group LLC for the Design of the Lake Street Streetscape, Resurfacing, and Utility Improvement Projects to include Design Modifications to existing Sidewalk Vaults for an additional $80,648 and Authorizing its Execution

5, 2018 Overview:

The scope of the current engineering design contract for the Lake Street Improvement project included identifying locations of underground sidewalk vaults. The consultant has completed this portion of the work which identified 13 buildings which have basements extending under the sidewalk areas. In order to construct improvements at these locations the vaults will need to be inspected and most likely have their structure modified to allow for new sidewalks to be constructed over top of these spaces. The Village requested a proposal from Thomas Engineering Group, who is currently designing the Lake Street project, for the additional work needed to inspect and design modifications to the vaulted spaces to allow for sidewalk improvements on Lake Street. The cost to provide this additional engineering is $80,648 and adjusts the contract amount to $1,278,208.

H. MOT 18-276 A Motion to refer to the Board of Health a request to review Chapter 5-5-3 of the Village Code “Animals Prohibited in Public Buildings” as it relates to food establishments


The Village Code currently prohibits customers from bringing dogs into “food establishments” and it is requested that the Board of Health review this restriction and provide the Village Board with a report and recommendation in support of the ordinance as it exists or any potential amendments.

I. RES 18-784 A Resolution Approving a Memorandum of Understanding with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) to Provide Technical Assistance Services for an Economic Development Study of the North Avenue Commercial Corridor and Authorizing its Execution


The Village of Oak Park, the City of Chicago and The North Avenue District (T-NAD) - an Oak Park and Chicago citizen and business-based community organization, will participate in the creation of a year long economic development study for the North Avenue commercial corridor through CMAP’s Local Technical Assistance Program.

J. RES 18-790 A Resolution Approving the Village of Oak Park’s Official Zoning Map


As required by State Statute, this is the annual approval and publication of the Village’s Official Zoning Map.

K. RES 18-802 A Resolution Approving the Renewal of the Independent Contractor Agreement with CityEscape Garden & Design LLC for the 2018 Village Container Plantings Program in an Amount not to Exceed $70,000.00 and Authorizing Its Execution


In January of 2017 Village staff requested bids for three separate landscaping contracts under a “Comprehensive Landscaping Bid”. City Escape Garden & Design LLC, of Chicago, IL was identified as low responsive bidder for one of the contracts, the Village Container Plantings Program. The Village entered into an Independent Contractor Agreement with City Escape in 2017 and it is proposed to exercise the first of the two possible renewals.

L. RES 18-817 A Resolution Approving a Change Order to the Contract with A & B Construction, Ltd., for Project 16-14, Salt Storage Building, in the Amount of $14,691


Work on the salt storage building was completed at the end of 2017. The project was over budget due to revisions needed to obtain a Cook County building permit which required design and construction of modifications to the concrete block wall. The work is already complete and the various change orders were authorized by staff in order to complete the construction of the salt storage building before the Village was required to accept salt deliveries. The change orders amount to $14,691 and adjust the total contract to $51,343.

M. RES 18-818 A Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement with Walker Parking Consultants/Engineers Inc. to Provide Repair Documents, Construction Administration and Observation of the Avenue Parking Garage Structure Repairs, in an Amount not to Exceed $40,000 and Authorizing its Execution


A contract with Walker to prepare, for the Avenue Parking Garage, constructions documents for bid and construction administration of repairs in an amount not to exceed $40,000, waiving the Village’s formal request for proposal process.

N. RES 18-822 A Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement with Walker Parking Consultants/Engineers Inc. to Provide Repair Documents, Construction Administration and Observation of The Holley Court Parking Structure Repairs in an Amount not to Exceed $53,800 and Authorizing its Execution


A contract with Walker to prepare, for the Holley Court Parking Garage, constructions documents for bid and construction administration of repairs in an amount not to exceed $53,800, waiving the Village’s formal request for proposal process.

O. RES 18-819 A Resolution Authorizing the Submission of a Fiscal Year 2018 ComEd Green Region Program Grant Application for Interpretive Signage and other Related Items Regarding Native Landscaping for Village Hall


This resolution authorizes staff to submit an application for a 2018 ComEd Green Region Program Grant for Interpretive Signage at Village Hall. These signs and other related items such as bees and native landscaping would be at key locations around Village Hall explaining the landscaping that supports the importance of pollinators and butterflies.

P. RES 18-820 A Resolution Approving the Purchase and Planting of Parkway Trees through Contracts Secured by the Suburban Tree Consortium in an Amount not to Exceed $150,000.00 for the 2018 Tree Planting Program and Waiving the Village’s Bid Process for said Purchase


The Village purchases and plants approximately 400 - 500 parkway trees annually. Most of these trees replace those removed due to disease, insect

5, 2018 infestation, damage, or safety considerations. The Village has contracted for tree purchasing and planting through the Suburban Tree Consortium (STC) for many years.

Q. RES 18-821 A Resolution Approving the Renewal of the Independent Contractor Agreement with Everest Snow Management Inc. in an Amount Not To Exceed $50,000.00 for the 2018 Parkway Tree Watering Program and Authorizing its Execution


In April 2017 the Village entered into an agreement with Everest Snow Management Inc. of Hickory Hills, Illinois for parkway tree watering. It is proposed to exercise the first of the two possible renewals to the agreement for this work in 2018.

R. RES 18-827 A Resolution Approving a Funding Grant Agreement between the Village of

Oak Park and the Oak Park Arts District Business Association for an Art Banner Project in the Amount of $25,000 and Authorizing its Execution as Directed by the Village Board at the February 5, 2018 Regular Meeting


The Oak Park Arts District is requesting that the Village Board approve a funding request not to exceed $25,000 to develop a banner program for the recently installed light poles.

S. RES 18-824 A Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the

Village of Oak Park and the Park District of Oak Park for Intergovernmental Use of Parking Facilities and Authorizing its Execution


This is an agreement between the Village and the Park District for the continued intergovernmental use of parking facilities.

T. RES 18-825 A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Settlement Agreement in Workers’ Compensation Case Number 2013 WC 029024


It is requested that the Village Board approve the execution of a settlement agreement in Cook County Case Number 2013 WC 029024 and authorize its execution.

U. RES 18-826 A Resolution Approving the Annual Postage Replenishment with the United States Postal Service in an Amount Not To Exceed $70,000.00


Each year, each operating department budgets an estimated amount to cover its postage needs throughout the year. Postage usage is monitored and recorded based on codes entered into the NeoPost machine and allocated to the budget pursuant to these codes.

Total 2018 budgeted postage expense is $134,730.00. Of this amount, $50,300 is dedicated to third party vendor mailings for Village newsletters and water/sewer/refuse bills. In addition, another $14,000 of the postage budget is estimated to be used for Fed Ex and messenger services. Thus, the remaining balance of $70,430 is dedicated for payment to the US Postal Service.
