Village of Antioch Village Board met Feb. 9.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Mayor Gartner called the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees to order at 7:59 pm at the Antioch Municipal Building located at 874 Main Street, Antioch, IL and via Zoom.
Roll call indicated the following Trustees were present: Pierce, Macek, Pedersen, Bluthardt, Burman and Dominiak*. Also present were Mayor Gartner, Attorney Vasselli, Administrator Keim and Clerk Romine.
*indicates attendance via Zoom
III. Absent Trustees Wishing to Attend Remotely
No approval is needed for remote participation pursuant to the Governor’s order.
IV. Mayoral Report
1. Consideration and approval of an Ordinance Amending Section 1-5-10 of the municipal code of Antioch regarding the Deputy Local Liquor Control Commissioner – Trustee Dominiak moved, seconded by Trustee Bluthardt, to approve Ordinance No. 22-01-04 Amending Section 1-5-10 of the municipal code of Antioch regarding the Deputy Local Liquor Control Commissioner. Trustees asked if a separate ordinance will be considered for the compensation, to which Attorney Vasselli replied it would. Upon roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Macek, Pedersen, Bluthardt, Burman and Dominiak.
NO: 0.
Citizens Wishing to Address the Board
There were no citizens wishing to address the board.
V. Consent Agenda
Trustee Pierce moved, seconded by Trustee Pedersen, to approve the following consent agenda items as presented:
1. Approval of the January 26, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes as presented.
Upon roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Macek, Pedersen, Bluthardt, Burman and Dominiak.
NO: 0.
VI. Regular Business
2. Consideration and approval of payment of accounts payable as prepared by staff in the amount of $274,602.71 – Trustee Pedersen moved, seconded by Trustee Burman, to approve payment of accounts payable in the amount of $274,602.71. Upon roll call, the vote was: YES: 6: Pierce, Macek, Pedersen, Bluthardt, Burman and Dominiak.
NO: 0.
3. Consideration and approval of an Ordinance Amending Section 4-2C-4 of the Municipal Code of Antioch regarding Hours of Business for Establishments which sell alcohol – Trustee Pedersen moved, seconded by Trustee Bluthardt, to approve Ordinance No. 22-02-07 Amending Section 4-2C-4 of the Municipal Code of Antioch regarding Hours of Business for Establishments which sell alcohol, waiving the second reading. Upon roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5: Pierce, Macek, Pedersen, Bluthardt and Burman.
NO: 1: Dominiak.
4. Consideration and approval of an Ordinance amending Section 4-13-1 of the Municipal Code of Antioch regarding video Gamin Licensing – Trustee Pedersen moved, seconded by Trustee Bluthardt, to approve Ordinance No. 22-02-08 Amending Section 4-13-1 of the Municipal Code of Antioch regarding Video Gaming Licensing, waiving the second reading. Upon roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Macek, Pedersen, Bluthardt, Burman and Dominiak.
NO: 0.
5. Consideration and approval of an ordinance adding one more Class “B” Restaurant Liquor License for RR&T Management, LLC d/b/a Szechwan Palace to be located at 1144 S. Main Street to reflect a change in corporate ownership and pro-rating fees - Trustee Pierce moved, seconded by Trustee Burman, to approve Ordinance No. 22-02-09 adding one more Class “B” Restaurant Liquor License for RR&T Management, LLC d/b/a Szechwan Palace to be located at 1144 S. Main Street to reflect a change in corporate ownership and pro-rating fees, waiving the second reading. Upon roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Macek, Pedersen, Bluthardt, Burman and Dominiak.
NO: 0.
6. Consideration and approval of a Resolution authorizing and granting and conveyance of certain easement rights to the Board of Library Trustees of the Antioch Public Library District and the execution of all necessary documents to effectuate such grant for the Village of Antioch, County of Lake, State of Illinois - Trustee Pedersen moved, seconded by Trustee Dominiak, to approve Resolution No. 22-11 authorizing and granting and conveyance of certain easement rights to the Board of Library Trustees of the Antioch Public Library District and the execution of all necessary documents to effectuate such grant for the Village of Antioch, County of Lake, State of Illinois.
Administrator Keim presented an overview of the easement agreement due to the upcoming construction of the library addition. They need to locate a storm sewer along the property line shared with Williams Park as a permanent storm sewer easement. Another easement was identified for an existing parking stall on village property.
Trustee Macek discussed the village being named as additionally insured during construction. Administrator Keim responded that it will be required before construction commences. There were no additional bond requirements outside of the project bond requirement.
Upon roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Macek, Pedersen, Bluthardt, Burman and Dominiak.
NO: 0.
7. Consideration and approval of an Ordinance authorizing and approving a water tower lease agreement and the execution of all necessary documents to effectuate such lease agreement for the Village of Antioch - Trustee Macek moved, seconded by Trustee Pedersen, to approve Ordinance No. 22-02-10 authorizing and approving a water tower lease agreement and the execution of all necessary documents to effectuate such lease agreement for the Village of Antioch, waiving the second reading.
Trustee Macek commented on the reason this is needed due to alarm systems backing up to Verizon.
Trustee Burman expressed concern with the lack of regulation and outdated studies provided. She said the towers are not being monitored, and text and data will use 4G unless small cells are installed. She has contacted a few organizations that specialize in this, and commented that the International Association of Firefighters oppose cell towers after neurological damage was studied. Trustee Burman commented on cell phone charges and use of funding, and she believes not enough studies were done and this was not well planned. Because there are still too many unknowns, she is not comfortable with approving this and its potential risk to residents.
Upon roll call, the vote was:
YES: 5: Pierce, Macek, Pedersen, Bluthardt and Dominiak.
NO: 1: Burman.
8. Consideration and approval of an Emergency Ordinance ratifying the Mayoral declaration of Emergency relating to Coronavirus - Trustee Dominiak moved, seconded by Trustee Pedersen, to approve Ordinance No. 22-02-11 ratifying the Mayoral Declaration of Emergency relating to Coronavirus, waiving the second reading. Upon roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Macek, Pedersen, Bluthardt, Burman and Dominiak.
NO: 0.
VII. Administrator’s Report
No report.
VIII. Village Clerk’s Report
No report.
IX. Trustee Reports
Trustee Pierce provided an update from the chief regarding Deputy Chief Johnson’s attendance at staff and command, and his election as President of the class. He stated that the new partnership with 10-41 has been launched, and staff appreciates the implementation of the program. Trustee Pierce announced that Polar Plunge fundraising is underway, and added that Commander Fendel has announced his intention to retire. He read aloud a letter from the Chief regarding the recent efforts of Jim Moran in his role as Communication Specialist, and commending his professionalism and attentiveness during a recent search for a missing person. Trustee Pierce discussed the recent comments made by a Trustee and asked for an apology to the impacted employee.
Trustee Dominiak reported on the economic development newsletter distributed to the board. She commented on the need to clean up downtown and would like streets cleaned downtown before a large event. She discussed the Historic Preservation Commission recent meetings and work completed by the group. Trustee Dominiak reviewed the business round table discussion led by the mayor recently, and asked if signage was ordered regarding truck traffic on Lake street. Administrator Keim will check with staff and report back.
X. EXECUTIVE SESSION – Personnel and Pending Litigation, Lease of Village Property, Collective Bargaining – Property Disposition/Acquisition and Personnel and Consultants - Trustee Pedersen moved, seconded by Trustee Bluthardt, for the Mayor and Board of Trustees to enter executive session at 8:28 pm to discuss litigation. Upon roll call, the vote was: YES: 6: Pierce, Macek, Pedersen, Bluthardt, Burman and Dominiak.
NO: 0.
Trustee Pierce moved, seconded by Trustee Pedersen, to exit executive session at 8:45 pm with no action taken. Upon roll call, the vote was:
YES: 6: Pierce, Macek, Pedersen, Bluthardt, Burman and Dominiak.
NO: 0.
There being no further discussion, the Village Board of Trustees regular meeting adjourned 8:46 pm.