Nancy R. Rotering - City of Highland Park Mayor | City of Highland Park Website
Nancy R. Rotering - City of Highland Park Mayor | City of Highland Park Website
City of Highland Park City Council met Oct. 15
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
At 7:30 PM, Mayor Nancy Rotering called the meeting to order and asked for a roll call:
PRESENT: Mayor Rotering, Councilmembers Bruckman, Ross, Tapia, Lidawer, Stone, Blumberg
STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Neukirch, Director of Public Works Bannon, Community Development Director Fontane, Assistant City Manager Jason, Police Chief Jogmen, Finance Director McCaulou, Fire Chief Schrage, Assistant City Manager Taub, City Engineer Gomez, Administrative Program Specialist Cherry
ALSO PRESENT: Corporation Counsel Elrod
1. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting Held on September 23, 2024
Councilmember Stone moved to approve the Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting held on September 23, 2024. Councilmember Lidawer seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, the Mayor declared the motion passed unanimously.
MOVER: Kim Stone, Councilmember
SECONDER: Annette Lidawer, Councilmember
AYES: Mayor Rotering, Councilmembers Bruckman, Ross, Tapia, Lidawer, Stone, Blumberg
1. Warrant List and Wire Transfers from September 13, 2024 to October 03, 2024.
Councilmember Tapia moved to approve the Warrant List. Councilmember Lidawer seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, the Mayor declared the motion passed unanimously.
MOVER: Andrés Tapia, Councilmember
SECONDER: Annette Lidawer, Councilmember
AYES: Mayor Rotering, Councilmembers Bruckman, Ross, Tapia, Lidawer, Stone, Blumberg
A. Solidarity with Hostages in Gaza / One Year Since October 7
Mayor Rotering provided comments in solidarity with the hostages in Gaza and requested a moment of silence.
B. Other Business
Mayor Rotering noted that Diwali is celebrated from October 29 - November 3, and that October 31 is Diwali Awareness Day. She wished all who celebrate good fortune in the new year.
A. Historic Preservation Commission - Chair Seth Pines
Chair Seth Pines, Historic Preservation Commission, provided an update on the City's Historic Preservation Commission and its activities.
City Manager Neukirch provided an overview of the department budget reports for FY2025. She outlined the timeline of the budget process and encouraged the public to review the budget schedule and documents that are available on the City's website.
City Manager Neukirch also provided a Quarter 3 update on the City's Major Projects. She highlighted items on the omnibus agenda.
BUSINESS FROM THE PUBLIC (Individuals wishing to be heard regarding items not listed on this agenda)
City Manager Neukirch introduced Business from the Public.
Carl Lambrecht, Highland Park resident, discussed the motor fuel tax and abortion.
Levi Kane, Highland Park resident, proposed the implementation of a revised tax.
Jean Sogin, on behalf of the League of Women Voters, encouraged individuals to vote and provided resources that may help individuals with their research of candidates.
Mayor Rotering pulled items 7 and 8 from omnibus vote consideration.
Josh Weiner requested to pull item 2 from omnibus vote consideration.
Councilmember Lidawer moved to approve items 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 by omnibus vote consideration.
Councilmember Tapia seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, the Mayor declared the motion passed unanimously.
MOVER: Annette Lidawer, Councilmember
SECONDER: Andrés Tapia, Councilmember
AYES: Mayor Rotering, Councilmembers Bruckman, Ross, Tapia, Lidawer, Stone, Blumberg
1. Adoption of an Resolution (R112-2024) by omnibus vote consideration titled, “A Resolution Approving an Agreement with Do Tank Do LLC, of Chicago, Illinois, for Survey and Focus Group Facilitation Services”.
3. Adoption of an Ordinance (O70-2024) by omnibus vote consideration titled, “An Ordinance Amending the Annual Budget of the City of Highland Park, County of Lake, State of Illinois, for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2024 Reflecting 2024 Estimates Determined During the 2025 Budget Process”.
4. Approval of Water Rates Effective January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025
Public Works
5. Approval of the City's 2024-2025 Snow and Ice Control Plan
6. Adoption of an Resolution (R113-2024) by omnibus vote consideration titled, “A Resolution Authorizing the Establishment of a Lead Service Line Replacement Cost Sharing Program”.
2. Adoption of an Resolution (R114-2024) by omnibus vote consideration titled, “Agreement with P & L Group Holding LLC for Organizational Assessment”.
Josh Weiner, Highland Park resident, expressed concerns about the CEO of P & L Group Holding LLC.
Councilmember Tapia moved to approve a Resolution Approving an Agreement with P & L Group Holding LLC for Organizational Assessment. Councilmember Bruckman seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, the Mayor declared the motion passed.
MOVER: Andrés Tapia, Councilmember
SECONDER: Barisa Bruckman, Councilmember
AYES: Mayor Rotering, Councilmembers Bruckman, Ross, Tapia, Lidawer, Stone
PRESENT: Councilmember Blumberg
7. Adoption of an Resolution (R115-2024) by omnibus vote consideration titled, “A Resolution Approving a Grant Modification Agreement for a Date Extension to the Intergovernmental Agreement with the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for the Sheridan Road Sidewalk Project”.
Mayor Rotering provided background for why this extension is needed.
Councilmember Blumberg moved to approve a Resolution Approving a Grant Modification for a Date Extension to the Intergovernmental Agreement with the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for the Sheridan Road Sidewalk Project. Councilmember Stone seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, the Mayor declared the motion passed unanimously.
MOVER: Anthony Blumberg, Councilmember
SECONDER: Kim Stone, Councilmember
AYES: Mayor Rotering, Councilmembers Bruckman, Ross, Tapia, Lidawer, Stone, Blumberg
8. Adoption of an Ordinance (O71-2024) by omnibus vote consideration titled, “An Ordinance Amending The “City Of Highland Park Zoning Ordinance Of 1997,” As Amended, Regarding Motor Vehicle Freight Terminals Warehouse Facilities”.
Mayor Rotering thanked the Plan & Design Commission (PDC) for taking action on this issue.
Councilmember Lidawer commended the PDC for their work and collaboration with City staff and the public on this issue.
Councilmember Stone noted that she is pleased that this is moving forward.
Councilmember Lidawer moved to approve an Ordinance Amending the City of Highland Park Zoning Ordinance of 1997, As Amended, Regarding Motor Vehicle Freight Terminals Warehouse Facilities. Councilmember Stone seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, the Mayor declared the motion passed unanimously.
MOVER: Annette Lidawer, Councilmember
SECONDER: Kim Stone, Councilmember
AYES: Mayor Rotering, Councilmembers Bruckman, Ross, Tapia, Lidawer, Stone, Blumberg
OTHER BUSINESS (the City Council will consider and then either approve or disapprove the following items)
Public Works
9. University Ave Sidewalk Report
City Manager Neukirch provided introductory comments.
Duane O'Laughlin, CEO of Ciorba Group, presented information about the study.
Mayor Rotering stated that it is premature to discuss a sidewalk on University Avenue when there are other streets in the Highlands that may benefit from a sidewalk before University Avenue. She would like a more comprehensive process when undertaking these kinds of projects.
Councilmember Bruckman emphasized that the character of the community would be affected by this project and the subsequent removal of several trees. She would like to explore other options to enhance safety on University Avenue.
Councilmember Tapia noted there are many other neighborhoods that do not have sidewalks and that those residents have adapted to that environment. He agreed that there are other options that can be implemented to facilitate public safety without changing the character of the community.
Councilmember Ross acknowledged that the Highlands was not designed with sidewalks in mind, shared that studies show that trees on streets make them appear narrower so there is less speeding, and agreed that a comprehensive sidewalk plan would be beneficial in moving forward with projects such as this.
Councilmember Stone noted that traffic has increased since the neighborhood was established. She is in agreement that a comprehensive plan would be beneficial, and would like to explore other traffic calming measures. She noted that she understood that many streets in the Highlands do not have sidewalks but the City needs to start somewhere. She explained that the proposed sidewalk on University Avenue would have helped build out the sidewalk network in this neighborhood, enabling people to walk comfortably, including children, elderly and disabled people.
Councilmember Lidawer emphasized the need to maintain the character of University Avenue. She thanked the neighbors for their emails and calls and would also like to have a comprehensive sidewalk plan in place for all of Highland Park.
Councilmember Blumberg thanked the Council for their comments and discussion on this issue. He is thankful to the public for their feedback throughout the process. He would prefer to see a sidewalk on University Avenue.
Leticia Lee, Highland Park resident, voiced her concern with the proposed sidewalk on University Avenue.
Larry Walters, Highland Park resident, voiced concern with the proposed sidewalk on University Avenue.
Allison Nemirow, Highland Park resident, expressed support for the proposed sidewalk on University Avenue.
Josh Weiner, Highland Park resident, voiced concern with the proposed sidewalk on University Avenue.
Ellie Goldsmith, Highland Park resident, expressed support for the proposed sidewalk on University Avenue.
Desiree Gonzalez, consulting arborist with SavATree, voiced concern with the proposed sidewalk on University Avenue.
Rebecca Nemirow, Highland Park resident, expressed support for the proposed sidewalk on University Avenue.
Jonathan Epstein, Highland Park resident, expressed support for the proposed sidewalk on University Avenue.
Larry Etchell, Highland Park resident, voiced concern with the proposed sidewalk on University Avenue.
Clara Stuparitz, Highland Park resident, voiced concern with the proposed sidewalk on University Avenue.
Lindsey Block, Highland Park resident, expressed support for the proposed sidewalk on University Avenue.
Pamela Weiner, Highland Park resident, voiced concern with the proposed sidewalk on University Avenue.
Bobbie Etchell, Highland Park resident, voiced concern with the proposed sidewalk on University Avenue.
Robert Feldman, Highland Park resident, voiced concern with the proposed sidewalk on University Avenue.
David Kenneth, Highland Park resident, voiced concern with the proposed sidewalk on University Avenue.
Jorie Houlihan, Highland Park resident, expressed support for the proposed sidewalk on University Avenue.
Jessica Hector-Hsu, Highland Park resident and Chair of the Transportation Advisory Group (TAG), outlined the steps TAG has taken while reviewing this project.
Katie Hegener, Highland Park resident, voiced concern with the proposed sidewalk on University Avenue.
Marla Portman, Highland Park resident, voiced concern with the proposed sidewalk on University Avenue.
Tom Hiller, Highland Park resident, voiced concern with the proposed sidewalk on University Avenue.
Peijan Sun, Highland Park resident, voiced concern with the proposed sidewalk on University Avenue.
Mark Portman, Highland Park resident, voiced concern with the proposed sidewalk on University Avenue.
Dee Mouscher, Highland Park resident, voiced concern with the proposed sidewalk on University Avenue.
Laura Levine, Highland Park resident, voiced concern with the proposed sidewalk on University Avenue.
Mayor Rotering asked for a motion approving a sidewalk on University Avenue.
Councilmember Blumberg moved to approve a sidewalk on University Avenue.
Councilmember Stone seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the Mayor declared the motion failed.
MOVER: Anthony Blumberg, Councilmember
SECONDER: Kim Stone, Councilmember
AYES: Councilmembers Stone, Blumberg
NAYS: Mayor Rotering, Councilmembers Bruckman, Ross, Tapia, Lidawer
Mayor Rotering asked for a motion denying approval of a sidewalk on University Avenue. Councilmember Lidawer moved to deny approval of a sidewalk on University Avenue. Councilmember Tapia seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the Mayor declared the motion passed.
MOVER: Andrés Tapia, Councilmember
SECONDER: Annette Lidawer, Councilmember
AYES: Mayor Rotering, Councilmembers Bruckman, Ross, Tapia, Lidawer
NAYS: Councilmembers Stone, Blumberg
Councilmember Blumberg moved to adjourn. Councilmember Stone seconded the motion. On a voice vote, Mayor Rotering declared the motion passed unanimously.
The City Council adjourned its meeting at 9:52 PM.