
Lake County Gazette

Friday, January 24, 2025

Village of Mettawa Finance Committee met March 21.

Village of Mettawa Finance Committee met March 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

A. Call to Order

Trustee Maier called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

B. Roll Call

Upon a call of the roll, the following were: Present: Trustees Maier, Brennan and Towne Absent: None

Chairman Maier declared a quorum present.

Also present: Mayor Casey Urlacher; Village Administrator Bob Irvin; Financial

Consultant Dorothy O’Mary; Village Treasurer Pam Fantus; Trustees Denis Bohm, Jan Pink and Pam Sheldon and Village Clerk Sandy Gallo.

C. Approval of the Minutes

Chairman Maier requested a motion to approve the February meeting minutes. It was moved by Trustee Brennan and seconded by Trustee Maier that the minutes from February 21, 2017 meeting be approved. The motion was carried.

D. Approval of Invoices Presented for Payment

Chairman Maier said no additional invoices will be added to the Treasurers Summary Report. The approved invoices amount is $295,276.09.

Chairman Maier asked Administrative Irvin to explain the 70% General, 30% SSA#3, invoice for Forest Builders. Administrative Irvin said the split is related to the snow and ice control for the Village roads. The percentage has not been adjusted due to the Village not adding streets to be maintained.

Administrator Irvin said the City of Lake Forest 2004 Agreement invoice for $4,677.67 is for the Tollway Bridge on Route 60 being widened. IDOT is notorious in issuing invoices well past their project completion period. However, this invoice was budgeted and is the last related tollway invoice. Lake Forest confirmed this was the only pending invoice for the widening of the tollway bridge project.

Chairman Maier asked if the Deerpath Farm HOA SSA#9 invoice for $6,500 was reviewed and compared to the approved contract. Administrator Irvin confirmed the invoice matched the approved contract.

Member Towne inquired about the Route 60 Trail Construction remaining cost to be paid. Administrator Irvin said the remaining trail expenditures are estimated to be around $26,000.

E. Review of the Treasurer’s Report for February 2017

Village Treasurer Fantus said on page 1 Funds on Deposit FY2016-17spreadsheet had an amount change to the Northern Trust section under the February opening balance. The amount should reflect $773,785.69. A second amount change is under the Lake Forest Bank and Trust, Cleared Deposit new number is $179,973.06 and Cleared Disbursement new number is $183,105.69.

F. Review and Recommendation to Approve the Fy2017-18 Draft

Budget Administrator Irvin said we only need to vote on the preliminary FY2017-18 Budget. The final budget will be approved at the April Village Board meeting.

Administrator Irvin said one of the major changes to the budget report is we are now accurately reflecting the zoning application fees and professional services. Last year, the $80,000 would have been listed as a Village zoning expenditure; subsequently the zoning fees are now paid by the applicant and this creates Village revenue and not an expenditure.

Administrator Irvin said the recommended surplus revenue of $500,000 will be shared with the residents.

Administrator Irvin said the two new tenants on Riverwoods Road will not be selling any products and as a result no sales tax can be collected by the Village. Telecommunication taxes however, will create an increase in revenue due to the increased occupancy.

G. Request From Lake Forest for Payment of the 2003 IDOT Phase 1 Engineering for Route 60 in the Amount of $4,677.67

This payment was discussed during the monthly invoices review.

H. Any Othe Items that may Appear to the Committee for Consideration, and if Approved, be Recommended for Approval to the Board of Trustees

Village Treasurer Fantus said a letter has been sent to the four pending residents who have not yet cashed their rebate checks. New checks will be issued to the residents upon receiving their original check.

M. Adjournment

With no further business to conduct, it was moved by Trustee Brennan and seconded by Trustee Towne that the meeting be adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
