
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

With diapers in high demand, Twice as Nice determined to deliver to needy families


Twice as Nice Mother and Child provides hope and help to families in need of diapers.

Twice as Nice Mother and Child provides hope and help to families in need of diapers.

Twice as Nice Mother & Child (TANMC), a nonprofit that distributes diapers and wipes to Lake County families in need, has seen demand for its services grow tremendously in the past several weeks. 

In a normal month, before stay-at-home orders were issued, TANMC distributed about 70,000 diapers, assisting more than 1,000 children and 500 families. 

Ann Marie Mathis, founder and executive director of TANMC, recently told The Daily Herald that diapers and wipes are in high demand and some of the many items being hoarded. The three-month inventory she usually has on hand is quickly disappearing. Because of stay-at-home orders and social distancing requirements, community diaper drives have been canceled. 

"We are considered essential. But we have seen an unprecedented influx in the number of requests for help, with more than 120 new requests for help in the last two weeks alone," Mathis told The Daily Herald.

Mathis said the organization purchases about 90% of the diapers it distributes but is having trouble maintaining adequate supply because of heightened demand and hoarding, She expects the number of families TANMC assist each month to double during the next three months. 

Mathis' volunteer team is down by half. Many of her volunteers are older and staying home to protect themselves. In the past, student and other community groups have come in to prepare bundles for distribution, but with social distancing rules, large volunteer groups are out of the question. 

TANMC will continue to operate. Partnering agencies can pick up diaper distributions via curbside at the organization's Waukegan location. Mobile pantry dates and locations can be found at twiceasnicemc.org. Registration for mobile pantry services is currently online.

Supplemental programs like food stamps and WIC do not cover diapers, so the need is always great. Because of rising unemployment and harder-than-ever to find supplies, more families are turning to Twice as Nice and other diaper banks.

"The COVID-19 pandemic is disproportionately affecting families who lack access to diapers and other basic necessities," Mathis said. "The panic buying, the hoarding, the job losses, community shutdowns and shelter-in-place orders are all forcing more people to turn to diaper banks like ours. All of these things also are depleting supplies," she said. "We're trying to do the best we can to meet the increased demand and help those in need during this crisis."

Monetary donations can be made at twiceasnicemc.org. People can also shop TANMC's wish list on Amazon and hive items shipped directly to the organization. Cash donations are greatly appreciated as TANMC can purchase diapers at a discount through its National Diaper Bank Network membership.