City of Highland Park Firefighter Pension Fund Board met January 18.
Here is the agenda as provided by the board:
I. I am calling to order this meeting of the Highland Park Firefighter’s Pension Fund of the City of Highland Park on this 18th day of Jan, 2019 at City Hall at 08:30 am.
II. Roll Call & Quorum:
III. Approval of the previous Pension Board Meeting minutes:
IV. Public Comments:
V. City Treasurers Report:
1. Sawyer Falduto Asset Management: Investment Policy and Asset Allocation: Review, Adopt, Amend:
2. Lauterbach & Amen report:
3. Nyhart Actuarial Report:
VI. Communications:
1. Request for Benefit: Wilbur Kephart
2. Request for new admission: Jeff Wilmot
3. Request for Refund:
VII. Payment of Bills:
VIII. Old Business:
1. IDOI audit update.
2. HP computer services (Jon O’Connell / Babrok Arman) on Microfiche Storage program.
IX. New Business:
X. Executive/ Closed Session:
XI. Adjournment: