Village of Bannockburn Architectural Review Commission met April 19.
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
Other (for non-agenda items)
[To ensure that scheduled Village business can be adequately addressed, this portion of Visitors' Business will be limited to not more than 10 minutes, with no person being allowed more than 2 minutes. Anyone interested in speaking during this portion of Visitors' Business should sign the sheet marked "Request to Speak during Visitors' Business" at the entry of the Board Room. The Chairman will allow speakers who have signed in to speak in the order of their signature until everyone has spoken his or her allotted time, or the time for Visitors' Business has expired, whichever first occurs.]
1. Consider Approval of the March 15, 2022 Meeting Minutes.
2. Consider Approval of an Addition of a Concrete Patio in the Rear Yard and Concrete Walkways on the Property of the Existing Single-Family Residence Located at 1944 Meadow Lane, Submitted by Sali Pavlov.
Adjournment. Next Meeting: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.