In the county of Lake, 57.7% of Barrington Mdle Sch- Prairie Cmps students met or exceeded standards on state level standardized tests in the fiscal year 2015.
In the county of Lake, 76.4% of Barbara B Rose Elementary School students met or exceeded standards on state level standardized tests in the fiscal year 2015.
In the county of Lake, 68.0% of Arnett C Lines Elementary School students met or exceeded standards on state level standardized tests in the fiscal year 2015.
In the county of Lake, 60.8% of Spencer Loomis Elementary School students met or exceeded standards on state level standardized tests in the fiscal year 2015.
In the county of Lake, 48.0% of Seth Paine Elementary School students met or exceeded standards on state level standardized tests in the fiscal year 2015.
In the county of Lake, 45.6% of Sarah Adams Elementary School students met or exceeded standards on state level standardized tests in the fiscal year 2015.
In the county of Lake, 49.1% of May Whitney Elementary School students met or exceeded standards on state level standardized tests in the fiscal year 2015.
In the county of Lake, 52.6% of Lake Zurich Middle - S Campus students met or exceeded standards on state level standardized tests in the fiscal year 2015.
In the county of Lake, 58.6% of Lake Zurich Middle - N Campus students met or exceeded standards on state level standardized tests in the fiscal year 2015.
A referendum on Illinois’ March 15 primary election ballots, regarding Highland Park providing fire and ambulance services to the city of Highwood, includes language that needs clarification.
Mayor Rhett Taylor called the village of Grayslake board meeting to order 7 p.m. Feb. 16 at 10 South Seymour Ave. to hear updates regarding animal control, awards, traffic queries and blood donation.
With water issues at the forefront, Deerfield’s village board will meet 7:30 p.m. Monday to award, approve and authorize a variety of requests from village constituents at Deerfield Village Hall, 850 Waukegan Road.
With a dozen in attendance, the Lincolnshire village board gathered for its regular meeting at 7 p.m. Feb. 8 to approve one vehicle purchase and move regular business forward.
A proposed site plan and landscape proposal for a key village amenity commanded the attention of the Vernon Hills Committee of the Whole at its March 1 meeting.
All “ayes” were issued for a proclamation to declare Jan. 2016 as Lake County Crime Stoppers Month in Grayslake during the village board’s 7 p.m. Jan. 19 meeting at 10 South Seymour Ave.
Addressing alcohol, asphalt and appearance codes, members of the Highwood City Council gathered at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at City Hall, 17 Highwood Ave., for its regular meeting.
Signage, setbacks and street standards topped the Vernon Hills Committee of the Whole’s (COW) agenda as it convened to study Pulte Development’s conformance to regulations at 7:18 p.m. Feb. 2 at 290 Evergreen Drive.
To select an award recipient and hear from community liaisons, a special meeting of the city of Highland Park’s Human Relations Commission is scheduled for 6 p.m. March 10 at City Hall, 1707 St. Johns Ave.